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[Seokjin's P.O.V.]

Today is the day. Finally!
I've been waiting for this moment since forever!
Good thing my parents let me go, I begged them for days to tag me along.

Mom: Jinnie dear, are you ready?
Jin: Yes mom, just a moment!

I shout out from my room while fixing my necktie and suit. I want to look as best as I can, after all, this is not just a dinner... Right?
I want to leave a good impression on him.
I gently put on the watch that y/n gave me on Jk's birthday and while doing that, a thought of those two giving him the exact same gift crossed my mind which made me laugh out of the blue.

Jin: How silly, even the brands were the same!

I checked myself once more in the mirror, everything was good.

Jin: Let's not mess things up. Let's show them who's the best looking man out there, shall we?
Mom: Kim Seokjin!
Jin: Coming, coming!

We were now in the car. My dad was explaining to my older brother about who exactly his boss was, telling him how he's a CEO of "HJ" and stuff. I knew all of that already, so I wasn't really paying attention to it until...

Dad: Ah, right guys, his daughter will be there too.
Jin: Daughter?
Brother: He has a daughter?
Dad: Yes. I'm not sure if his son will be there too, but I guess he will, so please don't fight there, alright?
Brother: Why would I fight with this little oaf in public?
Jin: We're not kids, stupid.

He tried to mess my hair, but I smacked his hand back. Aah, sometimes I really wonder who's the eldest one here. Are my parents sure they didn't switch our ID's or something?

Mom: If you'll act like that towards Seokjin at their place, consider yourself grounded young man.
Brother: But mom-!
Mom: No buts. I made myself clear.
Brother: *Groan* Fine...

Good thing we don't fight that often. In fact, we barely even fight. There are only some times and occasions when we pick on each other, so I'm really grateful that my brother is actually nice, even though he can actually be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I guess that's normal for siblings.

Jin: 'Maybe that's because we don't see each other that often? He does study abroad, so I guess that's why he's always nice. I bet if we lived together we'd fight just as much as Jungkook and his hyung () does... But then again, they only fight for computers and video games, my brother doesn't play with those anymore, so maybe not?'

Finally, we arrived. They lived in a very nice and cozy house- it wasn't too big, yet it wasn't too small.

Mom: They live really humble, I reverence that.
Dad: Shall we?

Father rang the bell. We heard someone say "Coming!" a few times, which was followed by the CEO of HJ opening the doors for us.

CEO: Oh hello! Welcome to our house!
All: Good evening.

We bowed to each other as he gestured us to come in.
We took our coats off and greeted his wife as well.

CEO: My kids will come down any minute, so I apologize for that.
Dad: There's no need to apologize, Mr. CEO, we understand.
CEO: Oh, please, just call me HyunShik.
Jin: 'That sounds oddly familiar... And he looks like I've seen him somewhere before, too...'

We heard someone coming down the stairs. First, there was a little boy and right behind him was...

Jin: N-no way...'
Jin: *Shocked* Y-Y/N?

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