Right Decision.

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Yoongi: W... What?
Jimin: I have a child.

His face was now colored in all kinds of shades of pale, despite the fact that he is already paler than a normal human being.

Yoongi: But we never-
Jimin: It's not yours.

Saying that made him even more shocked than he already was, and only after a second, I realized how wrong that sounded.

Jimin: I didn't cheat on you, it's not that! It's just- it's a really long story.
Yoongi: I can listen.
Jimin: But Jungkook-
Yoongi: He can wait. I think this is way more important right now.

A hand grabbed mine as he took me to somewhere peaceful and less distracting- a park.
I explained to him everything and told him the entire story as he carefully listened to every word I was saying, without a single glance at me, just staring at his feet as I told him everything.

Jimin: I'm sorry you had to find out about it that way.
Yoongi: ... How long have you been meaning to hide this away from me?
Jimin: I wanted to tell you sooner Min, I really did! I was just- I was too scared that you would leave me because of that... I'm really, really sorry.
Yoongi: ... So all this time, you didn't bother telling me that you were raped and you had a child??? Are these 4 years we spent together seriously just a joke to you!?
Jimin: No, Yoongi, that's-
Yoongi: Is that why you didn't tell me about this? Because you didn't take me seriously???
Jimin: That's not true-
Yoongi: Then what is it!? Why, why, why didn't you tell me, Jimin? Why!?

I've never seen him this upset before. It tore me apart watching him get so mad, shocked, hurt, and disappointed in me. I really wish I could have told him about this earlier...
As a minute filled with silence passed, his expression finally softened a little as he slowly sat back on the bench, again, not looking at me at all.

Yoongi: *Exhale* I'm sorry, Jimin, this is just- too much.
Jimin: I'm the one who should be apologizing, not you...
Yoongi: Is that why you were showing me all those shops with baby clothes? As well as the toys from the supermarket and the kids we saw playing?
Jimin: Yes...
Yoongi: Aah... This is insane...

His deep voice has lingered in the air as he leaned on the bench, looking now at the trees with complete disbelief at the situation.

Jimin: ... I'm really sorry, Yoongi...
Yoongi: ... Give me some time.
Jimin: What?
Yoongi: Give me some time, please. I need to think about all of this. It's too much to take in one piece.
Jimin: Okay... I understand...
Yoongi: ... Let's go back.
Jimin: Okay...

He stood up without saying a single word afterward, and that's how the two of us spent the rest of the time before we entered the house- without a single word.

Jimin: 'Is this the end of us? Y/N, you would know exactly what to do in this situation? Please help me, what should I do? I'm scared.'

[Y/N's P.O.V.]

Taehyung: W... What?
Y/N: I'm sorry, Taehyung. I like you.

He stood there with the poster, in more shock than ever, staring at me as if I was a serial murderer.

Taehyung: Y-you mean like-
Y/N: I don't mean like just friends, Tae.

His eyes got even wider as I exclaimed that I like him more than just friends. This is bad...

Y/N: I know it's sudden, and I know you're having struggles of your own right now, but I can't lie to myself anymore, to neither one of us.

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