Uninvited Hero.

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Y/N: 'Taehyung!?'
Unknown3: Hey, you! What the hell are you doing here!?

I couldn't hear anything aside from Tae's heavy breathing. He was all beaten up, covered in bruises as the blood was dripping from everywhere- his arms, his nose, his forehead.
I didn't know what to do, I was so mad at him, yet it broke me into pieces seeing him this beaten up, hurt, defenseless. Is this why he's always covered in bruises whenever I see him? Is this why he's always acting so tough?

Unknown2: Are you deaf!? Do you even hear what we're saying!?
Y/N: Uh-huh.
Unknown1: "Uh-huh"!? The hell!? Do you even know who we are!?
Y/N: No, I don't.
Unknown5: We are-
Y/N: Sorry, but I don't really care, either. I just came here for my friend.
Taehyung: *Struggling* What... Are you doing... H-here-?
Unknown4: Shut up!

He kicked him as he spoke. I wanted to rush towards him, kick his ass and help Tae get up to get back home, but I couldn't. I knew too well that we'd both end up being beaten up, especially him because of an assumption that he called me as a backup fighter (or something like that), so instead, I stopped immediately and played it cool.

Y/N: I'm the one who should be asking you that.
Unknown5: You're not the one who's asking questions here, little girl, got it? That's the rule.
Y/N: Oh really? Hm, strange.
Unknown1: *Confused* What's strange?
Y/N: *Smirk* I don't see such a stupid rule written anywhere here nor in the law, sorry.
Unknown3: This little bi-
Y/N: Look, I'm not here for trouble or anything, okay? I just came across this alley and heard someone in pain which ended up being a friend of mine. Can I just take him and go? It's as easy as that- you give me the guy and I won't report you to the police. What do you say?
Unknown5: (Laughing hysterically) I can't even tell if she's joking or being serious!
Unknown3: Or just being dumb! (To me) Are you that stupid to think we'd give him to you? 
Unknown5: Yeah, and the police? So what if you report us, what then? This 'friend' of yours owes us money here.
Unknown2: Yet all he brought is a bunch of sh*tty excuses!
Y/N: How much?
Unknown4: Excuse me?
Y/N: I said how much?
Unknown5: *Smirk* Ha, so brave... Or just stupid? I can't tell which one are you.
Unknown1: None of your business. This is not something you should be concerned about.
Y/N: I'll give you twice the amount he owes you.

Their chit-chats and laughs stopped and they now took me seriously. Everyone (including Taehyung) now stared at me as if I was a ghost until one of them began slowly approaching me, but still maintained distance.

Unknown5: What did you say?
Y/N: Do I have to repeat myself twice? I'm not a parrot and I am certain you heard exactly what I said.
Unknown5: Twice the amount, huh?
Y/N: Correct.
Unknown5: *Smirk* ... You're an interesting one, you know that? ... And kind of pretty too.

Making sure he saw my disgusted face as he said the last sentence, he smirked once more, followed by him gesturing to others to let Tae go and bring him over. Then he looked at me once again, only this time talking slightly quietly.

Unknown5: How can I know you're not bluffing?
Y/N: You should have thought of that sooner. And don't worry, I'm a person of a word.
Unknown5: Where and when?
Y/N: Tomorrow at noon. Here. Just the two of us.
Unknown5: Hoho, just the two of us? You're pretty bold for your age.
Y/N: *Glaring* I just want to get over with this as soon as possible without a redundant audience.
Unknown5: *Smirk* ... Fine, then. (To others) Bring him over.
Unknown1: But-
Unknown5: I said bring him over, morons! Do I have to repeat myself!?
Unknown1: ... No, sir.

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