Tangled in Decisions.

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I still can't believe I actually said that. To him. That I like him. Right to his face.
Gosh, what was I thinking!? That he would suddenly remember me? That he would say "Oh, I like you too"!?

Y/N: Aaaagh! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I banged my head on the wall but was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

Y/N: Coming!

The moment I saw who was standing on the other side of the door, I regretted that I said anything because now I can't pretend I'm not home. It was Taehyung.

Y/N: Um... Who's there?
Taehyung: It's me.
Y/N: 'Of course it's Taehyung, idiot. You're literally looking at him through a spyhole.'
Taehyung: Can you come out for a sec?

Wait. I need to mentally prepare myself. Inhale. Exhale. There we go...
I opened the door, acting surprised.

Y/N: Oh, hi Tae! What brings you here?
Taehyung: ... Wanna go for a walk?
Y/N: 'Uh-oh. Something's gonna go downhill today.'
Y/N: Um... Yeah, sure!

I locked the door and as I turned around, I was right in front of him, chest to chest.
He stood there in silence for a few seconds then immediately stepped aside.

Taehyung: *Cough* W-where would you like to go?
Y/N: *Concerned* Are you alright? It seems like you have a cold. We can stay at my place if you want-
Taehyung: *Burning* I'm fine! Let's just- let's just go somewhere warm.

Then proceeded to go on without me.
Confusing, but I still followed him. It was a bit weird to walk with him without saying a single word. I was so used to the fact that we always chatted and had little fights and arguments when going for a walk because he never saw me as anything more than just his best friend (since his memories still aren't back).
At last, we arrived at the "I Chu U" cafe which made me smile from ear to ear.

Y/N: 'We always come back to this place, huh?'
Taehyung: 'She's smiIing... I'm glad.'

We went inside and ordered some cakes we never tried before as well as some good milkshakes. Once they arrived we enjoyed them in silence, until...

Taehyung: ... So you like me, huh.

That sentence instantly made me choke on my milkshake.

Y/N: That was so out of the blue-
Taehyung: Answer me.
Y/N: Why?
Taehyung: I need to know.

It was hard but surprisingly I managed to respond way faster than I expected.

Y/N: Yes, I do. Is it that hard to believe in that?
Taehyung: I don't know... It was just too sudden.
Y/N: I'm sorry I just threw that right at your face when you least expected it... I should have waited for the right time...
Taehyung: *Shrugging* Maybe that's for the better, who knows...

Haha... What?

Taehyung: I'm sorry, y/n... But I'll have to reject you. Right now, I-
Y/N: I told you I don't expect you to reply to that.
Taehyung: Huh?
Y/N: I didn't tell that to you so you could think about it as "accept it or reject it". I just wanted to let you know.
Taehyung: So... It wasn't a confession?
Y/N: Not entirely. Besides, don't you think you're rejecting too soon? If you're really that desperate to give me a response then think it through, I can wait.
Taehyung: ... Even if it would take me years?
Y/N: (Sips milkshake) Yup. Even if it would take you years.
Y/N: 'I mean if I managed to wait a whole year and a half for you to notice me, then I can wait another year or two.'
Taehyung: *Surprised* ... Alright then.

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