Solving Problems.

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Y/N: *Burning* W-what?
Taehyung: Stay with me... Please...

How could I refuse him when he looked at me with such puppy-like look in his eyes- how could I EVER reject or say no to this cinnamon roll of a human???
I had no choice, so I agreed.


Y/N: '... So that's what he meant by staying, huh...'
Taehyung: Fold.

I took the candies and some other stuff we put on a table as a bet, most likely with an emotionless face.

Taehyung: *Impressed* Woah, that's amazing! You won three times in a row!
Y/N: It's just that you suck at this, Taehyung, that's all.
Taehyung: That's not true!
Y/N: (Counting sweets) Sure it is.

What was I even thinking? That he would suddenly suggest for us to do something called "romantic"??? Come on, y/n, this is Tae- the guy who never even considered you as a girl, let alone his girlfriend. Sigh... Why am I always letting my hopes go high?
Out of nowhere, my phone rang. It was Jungkook.

Y/N: Halo?
Jungkook: You're still awake?
Y/N: Shouldn't I be the one asking the same thing?
Jungkook: Are you alright?
Y/N: Yeah, I'm playing poker with Taehyung, why?
Jungkook: Oh... *Quietly* I see...

For some reason, I could hear a slight disappointment in his voice as he said that.

Jungkook: ... Is Tae okay? He hasn't picked up our phone calls.

I glanced at Tae only to find him staring at me with curiosity, so I immediately looked back at the floor and continued talking to Jungkook.

Y/N: He's fine. Sorry we made you guys worry.
Jungkook: It's okay.


Jungkook: ... Don't be up too late, okay?
Y/N: Alright, I won't... You too, Jungkoo-
Jungkook: Goodnight.

And then he hung up on me. Just like that.

Y/N: 'That's so weird. It's not like him to just hang up on people like that. I wonder if something's going on...'
Taehyung: ... Why did he hang up on you like that?
Y/N: So you heard, huh?
Taehyung: It's not my fault you put it on speaker.

Confused, I checked my phone. He was right, I did put it on speaker.

Taehyung: ... Hey, cheer up, y/n, I'm sure he's just tired.

He gently rubbed my arm to comfort me but I felt too confused at the moment. Everything happened so suddenly- first I met Jimin, then found out Taehyung has been bullied for more than a year, and now Jungkook acting all weird and cold towards me lately.

Taehyung: Y/N-ah. Look at me.

He was now right in front of me, kneeling on his knee, looking dead serious into my eyes.

Taehyung: Bad things happen, just as much as good ones do. It's just the way it works. But even with all the bad things going on, if you find that one little good thing in it, everything will seem less scary and bad to you.

Hearing his soft voice say such deep words made me realize how childish I have been acting all this time.

Y/N: *Scoff* Funny how you're the one who's calming me down when it's supposed to be the other way around.
Taehyung: *Smile* I'm happy as long as you are.

I smiled back... Until I realized...

Y/N: ... Your wound!

I rashly stood up and carefully lifted him as he tried to stop groaning from pain.

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