Family Trip.

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Yoongi: Ugh, why is this so heavy?
Sam: My more important question is why are we dragged into this in the first place...
Jungkook: Yeah, same question...
Taehyung: Aw, come on guys, don't be like that!
Y/N: Yeah, you're being of huge help!
Mark: Yeah, the only problem is we don't get paid enough for this...
Jin: Hah. You guys are getting paid?

Everyone was helping us move some furniture in. Yep, that's right- Tae was moving in, and we decided to change things up a little bit in this house.

Lisa: Man I can't wait to see what this place is gonna look like!
Jimin: To be honest, I'm quite curious as well.
Namjoon: Hm... I wonder where should I put this thing-
Jimin & Lisa: We'll do it!

Not even a second & the furniture was basically snatched from Joonie's hands... Let's say, for obvious/safety reasons...

Taehyung: I can't believe this... I wonder if it's too soon?
Y/N: Maybe. But I don't feel like this has been rushed in any way. We've been discussing this matter for quite some time, after all.
Taehyung: You're right, we have.

[Th] Should I ask her now...?

Taehyung: ... Y/N-ie?
Y/N: Yes?

[Y/N] He seemed nervous, for some reason.

Taehyung: Well, um... You see, some things happened, and...
Y/N: Are you blushing?
Taehyung: (Getting even redder) N-no...? I'm not.

Hah. How adorable, he's trying to lie.

Taehyung: A-anyway, yeah... What do you think?
Y/N: ... Taehyung, you didn't even say anything. What do I think of what?
Taehyung: Aah why do I feel so stupid asking you this?
Y/N: Just fire away!

A loud sigh was heard before he looked me in the eyes once again, dead serious.

Taehyung: Would you like to go on a family trip with me?

W-what now? Family trip?
Wait, does that mean I'm going to spend time with his family... His parents??

Taehyung: Y/N? You okay there?
Y/N: Ah- sorry, it just took me by surprise. I will think about it.

His small "Okay" somehow managed to reach my hearing before continuing helping the others.

Y/N: 'A family trip...'

Wouldn't that be kind of awkward or weird?
Everyone was done (and tired) for today, so most guys left home... Except for Jk, Sam & Tae.

Taehyung: I should head back home soon as well. There are still a lot of unpacked things.
Sam: Do you need any help, maybe?
Taehyung: Thanks, Sam. I can manage it on my own, it's not that hard.
Jungkook: Okay, whatever you say. Let's go SamSam.
Sam: Huh? Where?
Jungkook: To my room, I want to pack my things with you.
Sam: O-oh. Okay...

So the two of them left.

Taehyung: Did you think about the offer?
Y/N: I did...
Taehyung: And?

His gaze bas practically filled with anticipation, screaming the excitement in the loudest way possible.

Y/N: I don't know... Wouldn't your family want to spend some time with you? I don't want to be a burden...
Taehyung: Now that's just nonsense, y/n. My parents personally asked me to bring you along with us. Besides, it's only a 3 day trip.
Y/N: They asked you... To ask me? Why?
Taehyung: Well... My mom likes you a lot and my dad never got the opportunity to see you, so...
Y/N: Ah, so that's what it is...

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