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Y/N: A child???
Jimin: Yeah...

I don't know how, but y/n and I ended opening up to each other and surprisingly, I don't feel awkward or intimidated by her at all, despite being complete strangers.
She ordered us some pizza since the rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon. She's also a very good listener.

Jimin: About two-three years ago, I was in my class when some guy approached and told me to come out because one of my classmates was looking for me. Turns out no one was looking for me and they locked me up in the school basement. When I wanted to report that to my teacher I found out that the guy who raped me wasn't even from our school.
Y/N: *Shocked* Oh my God, that's just- horrible is too kindly spoken for this! You must've suffered a lot...
Jimin: At first, I did. I didn't even want to go to school after that, so I just quit and was basically all the time in my room. In the end, my family dragged me out and thanks to them I moved on. *Smile* It's all okay now, really.

She began tearing up and the next thing I knew she was hugging me tightly which was something I least expected.

Y/N: You are so strong. You're just- wonderful and amazing. You didn't deserve to suffer like that at all!
Jimin: (Hugging back) It's okay, really. Besides, that guy got caught and is in jail now, so karma got him good.
Y/N: *Sob* Bu-but what about you? Are you really okay? Was it difficult for you when you... Found out?
Jimin: Well, when I found out I was pregnant I was freaking out like crazy and was too scared to tell that to my parents because of which I was thinking of abortion, but when they found out, they said it would be better if I raised it instead of killing the child who did nothing to me.
Y/N: Is it hard? I mean raising the child all by yourself?
Jimin: I can't say it's easy, but thanks to my family that always helped me out and supported me, it wasn't as hard.
Y/N: You are really amazing.
Jimin: *Smile* Thank you.
Y/N: If I were you I would hate the entire male population after that but you- you go on dates now and look for the right guy, I mean- wow!
Jimin: *Laughs* I did hate the entire population at first, which soon lead me to date guys only for revenge. And after I got Simon, I decided to focus on finding someone who will be worth all of this, for the right guy, you know? Someone who would be a perfect father for my son and who could be a perfect husband for me.
Y/N: I understand that.
Jimin: (Eating pizza) But enough about me, now it's your turn to spill the tea about yourself, girl!
Y/N: *Laughing* Alright, alright! What would you like to know?
Jimin: *Excited* Anything!
Y/N: Well... My dad lives in another town with his wife and his son, I work two part-time jobs while I go to school, my friends I met a year ago come visit me here quite often, by the way, one of them was the guy I like, and I live in this house alone.
Jimin: *Shook* Alone??? Wait, you don't live with your parents?
Y/N: No, it would be too hard to travel for hours from one town to another just to go to school.
Jimin: What about your mother?

Did I pull the strings and go over the line?

Jimin: I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that.
Y/N: *Smile* No, it's okay, really! Besides, I think it's only fair if I told you something more personal since you did the same.

I just gave her a nod in response, still a bit concerned for her.

Y/N: My parents divorced when I was little, but we still lived together so it wasn't a big deal. When my 12th birthday came up, my dad had to urgently travel abroad for a business trip, so my mom decided to throw a party herself. She invited a lot of people and all of them were strangers to me. I was a kid, so of course, I was scared and terrified to see all those unfamiliar smiling faces as I was looking for my mom. In the end, I saw her get in the car with her musician boyfriend and watched them as they left. The two of them went to America and that was the last time I ever saw her and knew she was even alive. Ever since that happened I stopped inviting people to my house and I couldn't bear it if there were more than 2 or 3 people here, just as much as I was terrified of being alone, so I made this into a boarding house. But after I met those friends I told you about, it kind of changed. Now that I think of it, I don't remember the last time I was so happy when there were that many people hanging out at my place.

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