At Last.

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The day of the trip has come (unexpectedly and unplanned). Everyone was packing like crazy while Mark, Lisa, Yoongi, Jimin-ah, Namjoon, and Jin watched us in entertainment...

Hoseok: I can't find my trousers!
Jimin: Then go look for them, man! I can't find my shirt, either!
Hoseok: Hey! Should I bring my pouch with me, too!?
All: No!
Hoseok: Why!
Jungkook: Hyung ()! With all respect, it looks just horrid!
Hoseok: Shame on you! How dare you insult my stuff!
Jin: Yeah, how come you always insult us, huh!?
Jungkook: That's not true!
Jin: Come and say that to my face, peasant!

Everyone was yelling from their rooms as they were all packing.
As for me, I was packing with Sam.

Y/N: Do we need this?
Sam: Oh, absolutely!
Y/N: ... You sure?
Sam: Mm! Totally!

Okay... If we're ever going to need this then I'm going insane.

Sam: Y/N-ah...

I looked up at her. She seemed troubled.

Sam: ... Has Jungkook talked to you yet?
Y/N: No, why?
Sam: I know what happened a couple of days ago... More or less...
Y/N: Ah... Were you-
Sam: Jungkook told me.

He told her? Wow, he usually never talks about his problems unless he's really troubled, and he usually only opens up to Bangtan and us. It's so strange hearing her say he opened up to her when they barely know each other.

Sam: It's been two days already. I know it may be hard for you, but I'm sure everything will work out once you hear his side of the story. Trust me.
Y/N: Thank you, Sam. I'll keep that in mind.

We both smiled in return as we continued packing our stuff.

Y/N: 'I really hope that's the case...'

[Jk] Before going and apologizing to y/n, I need to apologize to V hyung () first. I know I knew her way longer than I knew him, but he's my dear friend, too, he needs to know, more than anyone else right now.
I slowly checked into his room, he was alone, packing peacefully.

Jungkook: 'While everyone's yelling, he's the only one quiet... I hope he's not as mad as he was...'

I inhaled deeply before silently knocking on the already open door.
I don't know how, but he turned around after hearing it. The moment he saw me, he turned back around, continuing to fold his clothes.

Taehyung: ... It's you...
Jungkook: Can I come in?
Taehyung: ...
Jungkook: Please?
Taehyung: Do whatever you want.

The way his voice sounded hurt me so much inside. He sounded so cold, I never heard him be like this before.
Despite that, I still found enough courage to come in & close the door after myself.

Jungkook: I need to tell you something... Will you please hear me out?

No response.
Should I even continue at this point?

Jungkook: 'No, get your act together. You need to do this.'
Jungkook: I know what I did was wrong, I'm not denying it. Especially after I realised the truth. I am so sorry, hyung ()...
Taehyung: You think just a "sorry" will do?

He tossed the clothes he had in his hands as he approached me, filled with anger.

Taehyung: You have no idea how that hurt me. Do you even know what it felt like? Seeing my best friend I've known for so many years to just stab me in the chest like that. And after all that, you say "sorry"?
Jungkook: Please listen to me, hyung ()-
Taehyung: I don't want to. You've said more than enough back then. I've had enough. (Quietly, to himself) I don't want to get hurt by you anymore...

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