Their Dorm.

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Mark: Can you tell me why am I dragged into this again?
Y/N: Because I told you many times to NOT let Jungkook go outside by himself! You know how bad he is with directions!
Mark: *Sigh* ... 

Damn it Jungkook you had to get lost when we have to go and fetch you to the dorm!

Mark: Couldn't Jin just get him? He can drive.
Y/N: *Glare*


A Few Hours Earlier


I heard my phone while I was passing from balcony to the living room to take the laundry and spread it to dry out.

Y/N: *Confused* Who could call me at such hour?

I picked it up. It wasn't too hard to find it since I always leave it on the sofa (when I'm alone, of course).

Y/N: Halo?
Jin: Hi, y/n! Seokjin here.
Y/N: *Surprised* Hi! What's the occasion? You guys never call me. In fact, you're the first one!
Jin: *Laughing* I'm honored! Well, I wouldn't have bothered you, out of all people, but no one else is available at the moment...
Y/N: No problem! What is it?
Jin: Well...
Y/N: ... Well?
Jin: I wanted to get Jk and drive him to our dorm for practice, but our manager asked me to go with him instead. Jimin can't drive, Taehyung and Hoseok are going with me, Yoongi went to the oculist and knowing Namjoon he might kill him on the way to the dorm.
Namjoon: (Yelling from the distance) That's not true! Don't say that to her, she might get the wrong idea!
Jin: (To me) Wait a sec, please (yelling at Namjoon) What idea!? You broke the door of our fridge! Do you know how expensive that is!?
Namjoon: It was an accident!
Jin: *Yelling* Well all your attempts to not break a single thing are an accident! And you broke the doorknob the other day too!
Namjoon: I said it wasn't me!
Jin: Namjoonie I don't want to risk it, okay!? You might kill our only more or less normal child!

At this point, I just wanted for all the yelling to stop. Not only they were loud, but I felt a bit scared that they might end up fighting.

Y/N: Alright, I'll take him, no problem!
Jin: Really??? Thank you so much! (To Namjoon) I'll deal with you later.
Namjoon: *Sigh* Ne, ne*... ((네) Yes, okay*)
Jin: So I'm counting on you, okay?
Y/N: Yes, sir! 
Jin: Thanks a lot, y/n! You have no idea how much you saved our lives right now!
Y/N: No problem. I'm bored anyways.
Jin: Alright, bye then!
Y/N: Bye, bye~!
Namjoon: Jinnie say hi from me too!
Y/N: *Chuckle* I already heard it, hi Namjoon!
Jin: She heard you, she says hi too! Now, where were we?
Namjoon: Can't you just-
Jin: (Raising his voice) How many times do I have to tell you to not come into the room so fast!? This time it may be just a doorknob but last time the entire door fell and-


The call has ended. I stood there for a while, staring shockingly at the phone that was now in front of me. Why do I feel like I just heard something confidential?

Y/N: *Shook* Just how strong is he?

[Back To Present]

Y/N: I can't believe you just left him there alone!
Mark: I forgot we went to the electronic store together okay!?
Y/N: And you call yourself 'responsible' after that.
Mark: I never said that.
Y/N: Oh really~? Then who said *Impersonating* "Don't worry, y/n, I'll take care of him while you'll visit Auntie. I'm a responsible man, after all." I don't think that's something Lisa said.
Mark: *Muttering* Damn it...
Y/N: If we don't find him in ten minutes I guarantee you Mark you are as dead as that brat!
Mark: Just chill, okay? I'm sure he didn't go that far.
Y/N: Last time Lisa left him in the store near our house we found him in Busan, Mark. No one knows until this very day how the hell did he end up there. 
Mark: !? In Busan???

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