Jungkook's Doubt.

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Jimin-ah: After my birthday, he's been way more talkative than before. I mean I'm happy, but- it's way harder for me to function as a human being when he's always around me. Y/N-ah, please help me! What should I do?
Y/N: You're asking me that? Girl, I suffer from the exact same thing.
Jimin-ah: Ugh! We're so screwed!
Y/N: Yeah, tell me about it...

The more time has passed, the more Yoongi began talking to Jimin... And the more TaeTae began striking with the heart attacks and cuteness. If you ask me, I don't even know how am I (or we) still alive at this point.

Y/N: You know, it's surprising he even talks to you, let alone comes to you on his own will, without anyone telling him to do it.
Jimin-ah: *Puzzled* Huh? What do you mean?
Y/N: You're the first girl he ever approached and felt so comfortable with.
Jimin-ah: What about you, then? Does he not feel comfortable around you?
Y/N: He does, it's just- it's different, Jimin. He was never this way around me the way he is around you.
Jimin-ah: (Even more puzzled) In what way?
Y/N: *Sigh* How do I explain this... It's just different, okay? Have that one in mind.
Jimin-ah: *Dumbfounded* Um... Okay?

Later I proceeded to tell her what guys asked me to- tell Jimin to not come to their practice. She was a bit weirded out about it (honestly, who wouldn't) but she was really understanding.
Instead, we decided to spend those few days without seeing the boys hanging out, either just the two of us or with Mark and Lisa.
Turns out I wasn't allowed to go there too because Joonie told me how Taehyung's been getting a lack of sleep, practice, and focus.
On the day we wanted to go to see them practice, Jimin stayed over so she could mentally prepare for seeing Yoongi being all talkative and expressive. Because I woke up earlier than her, I began working on the project for my father when I heard the doorbell ring.

Y/N: *Shook* Jungkook???
Jungkook: *Sleepy* Hi, y/n...
Y/N: Boi why aren't you sleeping!? It's so early in the morning and you're having an exam today!
Jungkook: I know... Just- let me stay here for a while.
Y/N: *Concerned* Is something wrong? Are you alright, Kookie?
Jungkook: I am, I just... Need to make sure of something, that's all.
Y/N: Alright then, I guess? Come in.
Jungkook: Thanks.
Y/N: Do you want something? Tea, milk, juice, snacks?
Jungkook: No, thank you.
Y/N: Did you have breakfast?
Jungkook: No.
Y/N: Do you want me to make you something?
Jungkook: Not hungry, thanks.

It was weird seeing him like this. He would usually dash right into my house and the first thing he'd do was go into my fridge and empty it. But today he was calmer than usual, I could see something was troubling him.

Y/N: So... What's up?
Jungkook: Not much. I didn't get enough sleep today.
Y/N: *Sarcasm* You don't say.
Jungkook: *Smirk* Noticeable, huh?
Y/N: Totally.
Jungkook: *Exhale* I'm just so tired... (Burying his head into his crossed arms) I wish I could just be a stone or Suga hyung () for a day.
Y/N: *Chuckle* You can do that once in a while.
Jungkook: *Sad* I need to go to school... I should graduate this year, at least.
Y/N: You'll go to school today?

He lift his backpack up, still lying on the table.

Jungkook: Do I have a choice? Of course I will.
Y/N: (Patting his back) I'm sorry, Kookie...
Jungkook: It's okay, there's nothing you have to apologize for. It's a school that should be apologizing... What about you?
Y/N: Same as always. Works, school, you guys... Nothing special.
Jungkook: How do you manage to keep up?

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