Get Back Up Again.

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**Past Memories**

[Jungkook's P.O.V]

Aah, this is so bad...
Everything seemed like it was falling apart.
Even Namjoon and PD-nim were troubled and worried.

Namjoon: This is bad...
Hoseok: If Namjoon says it's bad then we're really screwed.
Jungkook: What are we going to do?
Yoongi: *Sigh* Sh*t... This is really messed up, huh?
Jin: Yeah...

Even Jin hyung (형) who always made sure no one cursed in front of him didn't oppose this time because it was true- this is really messed up.
I looked at Taehyung, he was worried as well.

Jimin: What are we going to tell the others? They were really looking forward to this...
Namjoon: I don't know, Jimin. Hopefully things will get better until then...

We were being accused of plagiarism once again, but this time it was huge.
We never had many people on the concerts and fan meetings in the first place, but after this huge false rumour spreading and countless death threats coming at us,  PD-nim said that if it will be like this, our concert might even be canceled.
"Unless we want it to go on. It's up to you, of course" is what he said before we left the meeting.

Jungkook: 'How I wish we could go to y/n right now...'

But we all knew we couldn't, since she had exams today.

Hoseok: *Smile* Don't worry, Jk. We'll figure something out.
Jimin: After all, that's what we always do, right?
Jungkook: ...
Namjoon: Your exams are tomorrow. You should go home for now.
Jungkook: !? What? But I want to stay and help-
Namjoon: You need to rest, Kook. Go home for now.
Jin: Joon's right. That's what you need for now the most. You can't fail the exams.
Yoongi: We'll do something about this and deal with it after you're done.
Jungkook: ... Fine.

I took my backpack and left.

Jungkook: Take care, hyungs.
All: You too.
Taehyung: *Quietly* ... Good luck on your exams.

I looked shook at him. He didn't look at me, but I heard perfectly well what he said. This was the first time (after the mess I made) he has said something to me.
Unable to control it, I looked away as I let out a brief smile, and replied as quietly as he did.

Jungkook: Thanks.

So I left.
It didn't take me long to realize until I was already there, that I've been, without even noticing it, walking to y/n's house all along.

Jungkook: Ah... I'm here.

I was already in front of the door.

Jungkook: 'Should I ring it... Knock...?'

Just as I was slowly stretching my arm to do one of those, I immediately put it back into my pocket.

Jungkook: 'No. I shouldn't be here.'

Just as I was about to turn around and walk away, the door opened.
I looked back, it was Sam.

Sam: *Surprised* Oh, Jungkook! Hi!
Jungkook: Hi, Sam...
Sam: What brings you here? Don't you guys have practice at this hour?
Jungkook: We do, but...

She waited for my answer patiently.
Gosh, I shouldn't even be here, what am I even doing?

Jungkook: They told me to go home and prepare for tomorrow's exams.
Sam: I see. Come in, then! Y/N won't be back until evening, so there's no one to distract you.
Jungkook: 'You are.'
Jungkook: Why until evening? Exams don't last that long.
Sam: She said there's something she has to do after that.

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