My Confession.

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He remembers me now... Well, at least some things that we did before we started dating.

Sam: It's still something.
Y/N: Yes, it is... By the way, did you and Jungkook make up?
Sam: *Happy* Yeah, we did. That was kind of childish of me, to be honest. Ah, by the way! Jimin said she wanted to ask you something.
Y/N: What is it?

I met up with Sam at the library. The moment she mentioned Jimin, I put my drink down and looked at her, worried.

Sam: ... She asked if you could take care of the preparations for Jungkook's birthday because she's going to take Yoongi out.
Y/N: She's finally going to tell him?
Sam: Yes. I'm relieved, too. It's been eating me since they began seeing each other.
Y/N: Yeah, me too... Alright, I'll take care of their duties, no problem.
Sam: Thank you so much, y/n! You really are the best!

She gave me a hug as we continued reading books. After that, the two of us met up with everyone, including Jimin-ah and Yoongi who were still here.

Lisa: Samie~!
Sam: Hi, sweetie~! It's so nice seeing you again!
Hoseok: (Hugging her) Such a shame you didn't come here with Jimin-ah, I'm sure we'd have a lot of fun together!
Jimin: Yeah, and Jungkook would've liked that too!
Sam: *Happy* I know, but I had to take care of... Someone before coming here.
Taehyung: It's still nice seeing you, though!
Yoongi: (Turning his head to him, still with his arm wrapped around Jim) How come you remember Sam but can't remember her own sister?
Taehyung: *Shrugging* I can't control what to remember.
Y/N: Don't be so harsh on him, Suga. Don't you see it's hard for him too?

I rubbed his back to make him feel better as he slightly hugged me.

Taehyung: (To himself) You're the only one who gets me.
Jimin: Let's go then! While Namjoon is out with Jk, let's prepare for the party!
Mark: We'll need to divide into groups if we want to finish this as soon as possible.
Sam: *Excited* I'll be with Jimin-ssi and J-Hope!
Hoseok: *Hyped* Alright! Welcome to our team!

She approached them as the two of them gave her a high-five.

Mark: Jin is with Lis and me, is that good?
Jin: I'm all in, man!
Mark: Nice!
Lisa: What about you, guys?
Jin: *Smirk* Isn't it kind of obvious?
Lisa: Yeah... So! Mark, dear, could you please explain what will we do today?
Mark: Yes, absolutely! So Sam, Jimin-ssi, and Hobi will be in charge of buying cups, plates, and everything necessary for the party.
Hoseok: Roger that!
Mark: Yoongi and Jimin-ah will hide the presents everywhere around the place and buy stuff if needed.
Yoongi: You can count on us.
Mark: Great! Jin, Lisa, and I will be in charge of food-
Jin & Lisa: For obvious reasons.
Mark: And you two are in charge of drawing posters and stuff.
Taehyung & Y/N: ... That's it?
Mark: Oh, come on! It's not that bad, you are basically decorating the whole thing!
Taehyung: Why we though?
Lisa: Because you're both artists.
Sam: Since when is Tae an artist?
Jimin-ah: Since he was little.
Sam: Oh.
Taehyung: Now I feel kinda bad for not remembering you yet.
Jimin-ah: *Smirk* Then you better remember me soon, got it?
Taehyung: (Smirks back) Sure thing.
Yoongi: Ew don't look like that at my girlfriend.
Taehyung: Dude can I even breathe in her direction?

Suga was annoyed at his response, but the rest of us found it kind of funny, especially Jimin because she knew he was just being overprotective sometimes.

Mark: Let's go then! Go, go, go!

And that's when we all went to our destinations. As I passed near Jimin I slightly leaned towards her.

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