Our Beginning.

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The boys are all at their hometown, spending Christmas and their holidays with their family, finally.
I am really happy for them, they must've missed their parents & siblings so much!
Well, as for me, I was preparing to go to work at 'Your Warm Home' and help Auntie for a bit, since Min-Jun came back from the hospital and needs special care.


Y/N: Hello~!
Sanha: *Gasp* Noona (누나)~!
Nari: *Happy* Y/N is here, yay!
Y/N: (Hugging them) How have you been?
Haneul: Great! Minjun-ah came back, so we're watching over him!
Y/N: Are you taking good care of him?
Nari: Yup!
Y/N: (Rubbing their hair) Good, that's my girls, I'm so proud of you! You too, Sanha.

They smiled at me from ear to ear. Ah~! I love those smiles of theirs, so innocent and pure, and always bright.

Unknown: Is that y/n???
Sanha: Yes, mom, noona (누나) came!
Y/N: Hello, Mrs. Park!
Mrs. Park: Hello, dear! How have you been? I couldn't see you from all this traveling with my son.
Y/N: It's okay, I understand. I've been great! I met new friends, so we hang out together at times.
Mrs. Park: That's so good to hear! I'm happy that things are getting better for you.
Y/N: *Smiling* Thank you. How's Min-Jun?
Mrs. Park: Doctors said he's better, but we still have to visit them regularly.
Y/N: Of course.

I loved them like my own family. They were always happy when they see me or hear my voice or name, they always waited for me with open arms and were always there for me and my dad when we needed them the most.
Because of their personality, everyone on this street knew them and considered them their own family too.
For me, they were like my mother that has left me, my grandmother I never had, and my younger siblings I always wanted to have. Of course, Daenie is my younger brother, but still, the more the merrier, right?

Unknown: *Sleepy* Mommy? Is that y/n?
Y/N: *Smiling* Min-Jun-ah, did you sleep well?
Min-Jun: (Smiling, still sleepy) Y/N-ie~

Even though he was sleepy, he still found the strength to lazily run towards me and bury his small body into my arms. He was so warm and small, it's been quite a while since the last time I hugged or saw him.

Y/N: How are you feeling, Min-Jun-ie?
Min-Jun: (Rubbing his eye) Good... Doctors gave me some medicine, so now I can stay here and play with my eonnies and hyung ()...
Sanha: Don't worry, Min-Jun, I'll take you to parks every day, so we can all play together, okay?
Haneul: And I'll make breakfast for you, deal?
Nari: I'll take care of you... But don't be disobedient, understood?
Min-Jun: *Happy* Mm.
Mrs. Park: That's right, you should take good care of your little brother until he gains strength.
Y/N: (To kids) Mom raised you well. Min-Jun-ah, you should be proud of your siblings.
Min-Jun: (Showing thumbs up) They're the best!
Y/N: *Chuckle* (To Mrs. Park) I'll help you around the bakery today & help you take care of Min-Jun from time to time.
Mrs. Park: Thank you, sweetie. You always do for us so much.
Y/N: That's the least I could do after everything you've done for us.

Because I always enter the bakery through the back door (only employers have access to that door), I changed my clothes and joined Auntie at the bakery.

Y/N: *Happy* Hi, Auntie.
Auntie: Hello, my dear. What brings you here today?
Y/N: I heard Min-Jun came back, so I wanted to help you around.
Auntie: You didn't have to, sweetie. You're wasting your time...
Y/N: I don't have much to do today anyway.
Auntie: If you say so... Did you sleep well?
Y/N: Yup, I did. My dad asked if you want to come and join us for dinner some time.
Auntie: Oh, we would love to! He should pay us a visit too sometime.
Y/N: He always says how much he misses your cooking, but he's always busy with work so he doesn't have time to do anything. You know him, he comes here once in a few weeks if he's lucky.
Auntie: He should rest too. Tell him I will personally go there and nag at him if he won't rest.
Y/N: *Laugh* Okay, I will... Ah, by the way, Auntie.
Auntie: Yes, dear?
Y/N: Do you want to come to our Christmas party? Dad said he'd love to see all of you again.
Auntie: Hhm... I don't know, dear. I'll have to think about it and discuss it with others, too.
Y/N: It's okay, you can tell me any time.

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