Her Dream.

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Y/N: *Smiling* Good evening, my name is l/n y/n (Last name & your (first) name).

She bowed to us and we did the same, although I was still shocked.

HyunShik: I'll show you around the house. Y/N, you take care of these young men, okay?
Y/N: Alright, dad.

We stood there in the hall patiently until elders left.

Jin: Y/N??? What are you doing here???
Y/N: Spending time with my family, what else? (Slightly laughing) You're really silly sometimes, Jinnie.
Jin: S-so, your father- all along-
Y/N: Calm down, calm down. Now, how about I show you around? It's not as big as my house, but it's just as cozy!
Jin: S-sure, yeah! Oh and by the way, this is my older brother.
Brother: Nice to meet you.
Y/N: Likewise.

They both shook hands and then we followed y/n who was showing us around their home.

Brother: Y/N, was it?
Y/N: Yeah?
Brother: Do you live here?
Y/N: No, I live somewhere else, I just come here and visit my dad occasionally.
Brother: Oh, I see... Since when do you know my brother?
Y/N: He and his friends come to my house often to-
Brother: Uu~!
Y/N: (A bit annoyed) ... Practice for their debut.
Brother: Oh.
Y/N: Well, that's our house. I don't know what else can I show you here, so...
Brother: Thank you very much, Mrs. Y/N. I'll leave you two alone for now, I have to go somewhere.
Y/N: Oh, okay.

And then my brother left somewhere while the two of us were standing in the hall of the 2nd floor. It was a bit silent because we followed my brother with our eyes until y/n turned around to me, looking like that y/n I always knew- chill, cool and hilarious.

Y/N: (Raising her eyebrow while slightly laughing) What's with your brother? He's like those men from noble families!
Jin: *Laughing* He must be nervous, that's all. After all, I would've acted like that too! 
Y/N: I bet you would! Do you want to go to my room?
Jin: Sure, why not!

Even though I was a bit surprised by this, I felt so relieved that they were someone I knew well, I feel more comfortable now. If they were strangers, I would have acted like my brother too, but because it's y/n, I don't feel like I have to act all that perfect and flawless because she knows that I'm not.

Jin: By the way, you look beautiful, it really suits you.
Y/N: Oh really? Thanks.
Jin: *Jokingly* Still, I thought you'd wear a dress.
Y/N: I was actually considering wearing one.
Jin: *Shocked* No way! You!?
Y/N: Yeah. Good thing Lisa changed my mind the moment I thought of it.
Jin: How come?
Y/N: She slammed the hell out of my door.
Jin: *Laughing* She what???
Y/N: Yeah! She just barged into my house and slammed the door so hard I thought it was going to fall off! I was so startled that my heart almost stopped.

We were both laughing in her room, sitting in front of the mirror while she was doing weird things with my hair. I don't even know why I let her do that, but I guess it's not that scary. Besides, if she enjoys it, I'm all good.

Jin: So all this time you were a daughter of a successful CEO of the jewelry company? No wonder he looked so familiar!
Y/N: It's not like I was trying to hide it, but I don't really like to talk about things like that.
Jin: Why not?
Y/N: Because then people start to hang out with you because of your parents status, not your personality.
Jin: Yeah, true. But still, you know us for almost a year, you could've told us, we don't bite.
Y/N: *Jokingly* Well, I'm telling you now!
Jin: Gee, thanks. That's why you were able to get me that watch?
Y/N: Kind of. I asked my dad if he could save one for you. At first, he opposed but then he agreed. It was really hard to get it despite working there, you know?
Jin: Wait- you work there???
Y/N: Yeah, that's my part-time job.
Jin: Part-time? How's that?
Y/N: *Smiling* Here, I'll show you.

She stopped messing my hair and took a magnifying glass from the table as she gently grabbed my wrist.

Y/N: See that?
Jin: Woah!
Y/N: I made them.
Jin: Really???
Y/N: Yup. I design patterns like this, then send them to my dad. He then adds them to his jewelry.
Jin: That's so cool! Is there anything else you're hiding from us? Are you a secret agent by any chance?
Y/N: *Laughing* No I'm not, that's all.
Jin: I don't trust you!
Y/N: Aw come on Jin! You know I would never lie to you guys, you're like a family to me.
Jin: ... Fine, I'll let it slide this once.
Y/N: Thanks.
Unknown: Y/N I found it-!

A boy dashed into the room but then stopped when he saw me.

Jin: *Smiling* Hello, I'm your sister's best friend Jinnie. Nice to meet you!
Unknown: ... Daehyun.
Jin: You have a really cool name! 
Daehyun: Thanks.
Y/N: What was it, Daenie?
Daehyun: I found it! The hint for our next treasure!
Y/N: *Gasp* No way!
Daehyun: (Happy & excited) Yes! (To me) Do you want to join us too?
Jin: Sure, I'd love to!
Daehyun: Great! I'll explain the rules on the way, then!
Jin: Yes, sir!

It was really fun playing with them! Daehyun was so adorable, he reminded me of Jungkook, both so energetic and mischievous. Later, elders called us for dinner.
While we were playing, they got along too, so now they dropped formalities and talked casually, just like y/n and I usually do.
I sat beside y/n while the brother was with elders, listening to them. At first, I thought he left us because he found us boring, but looks like he really just enjoys listening to those things and being in an adults company.
After dinner, we went to Daenie's room and played until he fell asleep.
Because of that, we had to do things quietly to not wake him up.

Jin: About that part-time job you mentioned earlier...
Y/N: What about it?
Jin: Why don't you work full time?
Y/N: Full time?
Jin: Yeah. If you'd work full time for your dad, you'll get much more salary and you'd improve your skills.
Y/N: I was thinking of doing that, but I think I just want to concentrate on my studies first.
Jin: I see... Do you know what you'll be after you graduate?
Y/N: I know but... Please don't laugh...
Jin: I won't.
Y/N: ... I always wanted to be a baker...
Jin: Lol girl you can't even cook.
Y/N: I know, so I decided to try to be a food decorator and cook some easy pastries. I always wanted to work at the bakery. Ever since I was little, I thought about how I'd bring people happiness and joy with my pastries or my decorating on the food.
Jin: Wow... That's actually really nice. You have a really beautiful dream, y/n.

It was a bit dark, but we could still see each other. While she looked at me with an expression that clearly showed she did not expect that, I smiled at her. She's really kind.

Jin: But I don't get it.
Y/N: What exactly?
Jin: Why would you think I'd laugh?
Y/N: (Looking at Daehyun, shrugging) I don't know. People find it weird that a girl whose father is a successful CEO would like to do something 'poor' and 'low' for a living.
Jin: Well, you could always work somewhere else, too, you know? 
Y/N: *Smiling* I guess you're right.
Jin: Won't we wake him up?
Y/N: (Holding her laughter) You're asking this now?
Jin: Should we leave?
Y/N: Let's stay here for a little while.
Jin: Okay.

We left their house late at night. It was really enjoyable.
The moment I came home I fell on the bed and knocked out the moment I blinked (or at least tried to). I was so tired that I didn't even change my clothes (I wanted to, but I didn't know I'd fall asleep the moment I closed my eyes), but before falling asleep, a single thought came to my mind: Today was definitely one of the best days in my life, and there are more than one reason. Not only did I meet the man I admired (which turns out I knew him before I even knew him (made no sense but okay)) but also had a wonderful time and a good talk with y/n. I remembered the words when her father said how she always bottles her feelings, but today, for the first time, she opened up.

Jin: 'Don't bottle up your feelings and deal with them all by yourself anymore. We're here for you y/n, no matter what, always...'

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