Sad Happiness.

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It's a matter of time when y/n's birthday will be. I bought her a present a long time ago, and now everyone is buying decorations for her house, decorating everything, cooking, packing, so all I had to do was sit on the table and make sure Namjoon doesn't break anything. Long story short- it was a mess.

Taehyung: *Bored* You never prepared such a huge birthday party for me.
Yoongi: Lies.
Jungkook: That's not true, hyung (). You had huge surprise birthday parties too.
Hoseok: Let him be. I'm sure he's just bored.
Taehyung: *Whining* Of course I'm bored! You're having fun while I'm here watching over Namjoon hyung () as if I'm a babysitter.
Jimin: *Unimpressed* Or you're just jealous because we're doing something for y/n.
Taehyung: *Scoff* Why would I ever be jealous of that moth?
Jin: (While delivering a box to Yoongi) So which one is it? Flea, dumbass head, IT, or moth?
Taehyung: *Annoyed* All.
Hoseok: *Laughing* I get the feeling you're doing this only to cover your loss.

I was a bit confused after hearing what Hobi said. I lift my head that was leaning on my palm a while ago, waiting for an explanation.

Taehyung: (Frowning my eyebrows) Loss?
Hoseok: You don't hate her anymore.
Jungkook: *Nodding*
Taehyung: Who said I hate her?
Namjoon: *Shook* Eh? So you don't?
Taehyung: No. But I don't like her. She's trashy.
Yoongi: *Scoff*
Jungkook: By the way, when will we do that?
Jin: *Confused* 'That'?
Jungkook: The surprise we wanted to show her?
Yoongi: Oh, that.
Namjoon: I don't know. But the sooner, the better.
Hoseok: Joon is right. We shouldn't delay it any longer.
Namjoon: Let's do it sometime after her birthday.
Jimin: Yes!

Well, after chatting and preparing, we were all ready for tomorrow.

The next day, we all came to y/n's house and began doing our job. Mark and Lisa were already there.

Lisa: *Laughing* Woah! You're soaking wet!
Jin: What did you expect when we were running in the rain!
Lisa: Hahaha it looks as if you just dived into a pool!
Mark: (Holding his laughter) Or bathed in Niagara waterfalls.
Jin: Let's hurry up or else some of our ingredients will melt!
Yoongi: (Unpacking all the things we took) Yeah. Not mentioning she can come back any time.
Mark: Don't worry, she'll spend some time at Auntie's house since she wanted to treat y/n with some cakes, then she'll probably go and do some stuff she always does.
Lisa: Yeah, so she won't be back until 4 or 5 pm.
Namjoon: That's good to hear. Let's get started, then!

A good amount of time has passed until we prepared everything.
For some reason, I felt really nervous, but I brushed it off the moment Lisa asked me to get her more napkins since we ran out of them, so I went into the store.
Because we're here so often, everyone knows us here, sometimes we would even get a discount because the cashier knows us.

Cashier: Lost in one of your games again?
Taehyung: Nah, I'm just here to buy some napkins.
Cashier: You should take the ones with scents, they're on sale now. If you buy two packs you'll get the third one for free.
Taehyung: (Slightly bowing while smiling) Thanks.
Cashier: *Smiling* No problem.

I got another free package of napkins, so now instead of 3, I have four of them!
As I was going back to the house I was humming. Even though I may not like that person, I'm still happy. I hope she'll be happy too.
When I came in, everyone was hugging surprised y/n at the end of the hallway.

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