First Memory.

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Jimin: Tag! You're it!
Taehyung: *Laughing* That's not fair! You were cheating!
Jimin: (Sticking out his tongue) No I wasn't!

It feels so nice having this atmosphere in my house again, I missed it so much!
The air was once again filled with joy and loud noises of happiness.

Hoseok: Y/N, come play with us!
Y/N: *Smiling* I'd love to, but I still have some work to do.
Jin: Aw~ that sucks!
Taehyung: *Pouting* It's no fun without you!
Namjoon: Need some help?
Y/N: No, Joonie, thanks. Lisa and I are almost finished.
Yoongi: *Curious* What are you doing, by the way?
Hoseok: Yeah! I've been dying to know too!

I gave them a smirk and stuck out my tongue. Ah, this is so satisfying!

Y/N: *Playfully* Not gonna tell you~!
All: No~ don't be like that~!

It's been quite some time since Taehyung came out of the hospital. I think it was... A few months?
He came out in April, and now it's September... That makes it 5 months, then.
Tae got a lot comfortable now, and not only with me, but with Jin and Yoongi as well which makes me really happy.
I went back to my room and joined Lisa.

Lisa: This is so boring. Why do I have to do this for you?
Y/N: Sorry, Lis. And what do you mean 'for me'? We're working in the bakery together.
Lisa: Compared to you, I have two jobs now.

I lift my head at her statement and stared at her, stunned.

Y/N: No way... You really-?

Before I could finish my sentence she happily nodded which made me squeal in happiness.

Y/N: Oh my Gosh congratulations!
Lisa: Thank you!

I jumped to hug her, and she did the same.

Y/N: *Happy* Tell me everything!
Lisa: *Smiling* Well... After all my fails of finding another job, I saw a flyer where there was required a person to fix cars. Because my dad taught me how to do that since I was little, I thought 'Why not?' so I called and we decided to meet up. At first, he was surprised that I'm a woman, but when he saw my skills he immediately hired me!
Y/N: That's so amazing, Lisa! I'm so proud of you!
Lisa: Thanks! And I'll have a really good payment, too! His company is one of the most successful ones!
Y/N: That's so cool!

We almost finished what we were doing. After following all those complicated instructions, we finally compiled a dough machine my dad bought us.

Lisa: There, all done!
Y/N: (Sweeping the sweat from my forehead) Finally.

We heard the door open. There were Taehyung and Jin, smiling from ear to ear.

Jin: Y/N-ah~!
Lisa & Y/N: ?
Jin: Let us see~!
Taehyung: Sneak-peek~!
Lisa: *Laughing* Get out!

She took a pillow that was lying beside me and threw it at them, but they were quick enough to close the door (not completely) and protect themselves from the attack.
That's when I saw that they slowly dragged my pillow out of the room through the little space between the door and the wall.

Jin: Then we'll take your pillow muahaha!
Taehyung: (Laughing, excited) Run, hyung (), run!
Y/N: *Laughing* Oi come back here!

I stood up and opened the door, ready to chase them. They were running down the stairs with my pillow.

Y/N: Stop right there!

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