Jealousy of Two Boys in Luv.

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I'm starting to regret the moment I told Jimin-ah that I will trust her...

Y/N: Jimin-ah... Are... Are you sure we should go this far?
Jimin-ah: Mm. Positive.
Y/N: I think we're overdoing it...
Jimin-ah: Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. I've got it all under control.
Lisa: Yeah, I think you should listen to her, she's really good at this stuff.
Jimin-ah: Thank you.
Mark: I agree.
Jimin: I don't know if she's good or not but I sure know that she makes the right decisions.
Lisa: You're only saying that because she's taking you to London with her.
Y/N: Yeah.
Jimin: *Acting* Whoops. Caught in a crime.
Mark: (To Jimin-ah) I thought you worked in America, though.
Jimin-ah: It depends on the job offers, so I don't have a stable job location.
Mark: I see.
Jimin: That's pretty interesting!
Jimin-ah: *Smile* Thank you.

They were all waiting for me to get ready so Jimin-ah and I would go and meet her friend.
I'm a bit scared, I never met someone like this in person before.

Y/N: 'I wonder what's he like...'
Lisa: You should really go, y/n. If nothing else, at least you might socialize.
Mark: True.
Lisa: Also, if something happens, call us.
Y/N: Thanks. I will.
Jimin-ah: He doesn't bite, you know...
Y/N: *Smirk* Ha. Easy for you to say. Jimin-ah: Ah, Jimin-ssi, I remembered something.
Jimin: What is it?
Jimin-ah: My sister is in London right now, so we're going to go back with her and she's going to stay here for a while.
Mark: Oh, you have a sister?

She nodded.

Jimin: Wah, that's so cool! I can't wait to meet her!
Jimin-ah: Me too. But she's never been to Korea before. I mean she was when she was little, so she doesn't remember much about this place.
Jimin: Don't worry, leave everything to us! We'll take good care of her.
Jimin-ah: Thank you, Jimin. You really are an angel of the group.
Jimin: I'm not an angel... *Mutter* I'm a fairy...
Mark: Alright, girls, go!

She drove me to the zoo where we were supposed to meet him. I was still nervous, for some reason.

Y/N: How did you two meet?
Jimin-ah: *Casually* Oh. He's my ex.
Y/N: Your what???
Jimin-ah: Yeah. We used to be together for almost a year, I think.
Y/N: Wow. What happened, then?
Jimin-ah: Everything was great with him. We were even supposed to get married.
Y/N: But?
Jimin-ah: I told him about Simon. He said he wasn't ready to take care of a child, especially that's not his, which is understandable. So we continued being friends. We're still in pretty good terms.
Y/N: Even after that?
Jimin-ah: Yup. He helped me a lot throughout my life, even after we split up. I respect him a lot, you know? He's really nice.
Y/N: Yeah, knowing that he agreed to this already says a lot about him and your relationship.
Jimin-ah: We're here. Get out, sweetheart.

Sigh, here we go, I guess...
Once we got out, a really tall and handsome man was standing right next to the gate, wearing a man bun and casual clothes.

Y/N: 'Wow. This would look so hot on Taehyung.'

The moment he lift his gaze up, he noticed us and waved to us happily.

Unknown: Oh, hi JimJimie!
Jimin-ah: Hi, Hyuka! Y/N, this is Minhyuk and Hyuka, this is y/n.
Minhyuk: Nice to meet you! Jimin told me so much about you!
Y/N: S-she did?
Minhyuk: Yep. She also told me you need my help, correct?
Y/N: Well... I kind of do.
Minhyuk: (To Jimin) What do I need to do?
Jimin-ah: I already told you but let me remind both of you- you'll act like you two are on a date. Hyuka, you're more than skilled in that so I leave her with you. Take good care of her, okay?
Minhyuk: You left her in good hands, JimJim-ah, don't worry.
Jimin-ah: Alright! My job here is done, so I'm leaving the rest to you, y/n, okay?
Y/N: ... Yes.
Jimin-ah: Bye, then~!

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