A Favor.

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Thank you so much for reading my story/ries! <3
This is something like a bonus, but I still hope you'll enjoy it! ^-^ <3

[Taehyung's P.O.V.]

One day, y/n's father asked Jungkook and Seokjin to meet him at the cafe.

Taehyung: Why do I have to go? I wasn't even invited.
Jin: I'm scared to go alone. Jungkook is at y/n's house so I can't go with him.
Taehyung: *Sigh* Remind me who's the eldest one here again?
Jin: Shut up, I'm just nervous.
Taehyung: Fine... I'll just go with you and once he comes I'll leave...
Jin: Thanks!

I wasn't really against it. I mean, it's not like we're meeting up with y/n or anything.
When we arrived there was still no one there, so I had a little chat with him until y/n's dad and Jungkook arrived.

Jungkook: *Surprised* Oh, hyung ()! What are you doing here?
Taehyung: (Bowing to y/n's father) I came here with Seokjin. I'll take my leave now.
Dad: No, no, no! It's okay, stay with us. You came all the way here, so you must be tired too.
Taehyung: I'm not really-
Dad: Alright! Let's go!

They all followed him into the cafe. I sighed to myself, but then joined them.
They were all talking about random stuff. It was fun.
Then he drove us to his house because he had to tell them something.

Jungkook: Won't we bother Ji Ah?
Dad: She went with Daenie to buy some clothes, so no one's home at the moment.
Jungkook: Oh.

We came inside and sat in the living room. It was very simple but still classy and nice. He gave us some drinks and then joined us at the table as well.

Jin: What's the reason you asked us to come here, sir?
Jungkook: Yeah. On top of that, just us.
Dad: (Slightly laughing) Don't call me sir, I feel very old. And the reason why I asked only you to come here is about y/n.
Taehyung: 'I suddenly regret every life decision that I've made until now...'
Jungkook: Is she sick again? She seemed totally fine today though.
Dad: No, I know. It's not about that at all.
Jin: What is it, then?
Dad: It's about the thing that y/n told you.

Jin and Jungkook suddenly stopped breathing while I was still confused at the whole situation.
I wanted to ask, but I don't think I'm in the position to even say anything. I came here uninvited after all.

Dad: I'm asking for a favor. I didn't really want you to bother with it, but if you could do it, I would be immensely grateful to you.
Jungkook: You can ask us anything.
Jin: Yes. We'll do our best to help you in any way possible.
Dad: *Smiling* Thank you, I'm really happy to hear that. You see, when I got married again, I had to move, not only for my fiance but also because of my work. I wanted y/n to go and move with me too and to sell that house she's currently in, but she opposed and didn't want to go. I know that she always liked that place, but even now I can't help but be worried and concerned all the time for her. She's not close to me so I don't know if she's been eating well, is she sick, does she need anything, she never tells me if she's okay or not which really concerns me. I'm her father so it's only natural to feel that way. I asked her many times if she wanted to move and live with us, here, but she still wants to live there, all by herself. She's a very closed person, even if she says she's like an open book, she actually bottles all her feelings inside and bears with her struggles all by herself. After... That, there's nothing left for her to do, but there still seems to be a reason, something keeps her holding onto that place. So the thing I'm asking you is... If you could somehow find out, or if she tells you, could you please find out for me why does she still keep holding onto that place? I have a feeling that only then I could be peaceful. Of course, I'm not asking you to invade her personal space and do creepy stalker-like stuff, I'm just asking you if she ever tells you that. The reason I'm asking this of you, out of all people, is because she seems really close to you.
Jungkook: Lisa is very close to her too.
Dad: I know, Kookie, but Lisa said that she never told her anything about that.
Jungkook: I understand. We'll do what we can.
Jin: We'll try our best.

We were still talking for a little while, this time about some fun stuff, and after that, we had to leave and go back to our dorms (well, at least Jin and I).
Now, we were on our way back home after we came out of the bus (her dad offered us a ride, but we didn't want to bother him anymore).

Jin: Jungkook-ah.
Jungkook: What?
Jin: Don't forget to buy a few frying pans when you'll go back to our dorm.
Jungkook: *Shook* He burned them all already??? But I bought them 3 days ago!
Jin: *Sigh* He's been attempting to learn how to cook, so...
Jungkook: Poor Namjoon hyung (), he's trying so hard...
Jin: And try to ask y/n about that.
Jungkook: Okay, I will.
Taehyung: I just don't understand.
Jungkook: What exactly?
Taehyung: Why can't he just ask her mother about it? I mean, I'm sure y/n tells her everything.

They both suddenly stopped.

Taehyung: What's wrong?
Jungkook: ... Let's go grab something to drink.
Jin: Yeah...

They all just ignored me...
We bought some drinks for others too, and then we parted our ways with Jk and went back to our dorm. Surprisingly, Jin didn't let out a single word.

Taehyung: ... What was that all about? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Did I say something wrong?
Jin: No... It doesn't matter, let's bring these drinks to others and then we'll practice a bit.

Then he came back to his usual self-cheerful, funny, and loud.
Hm... I really wonder what was all that about...
I guess I'll figure it out soon, so I just shrugged it off and happily went into our dorm, where everyone was waiting for us.

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