You Think What???

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[Jungkook's P.O.V.]

Now that those two are together, it's weird. It's not like they act all lovey-dovey in front of us or anything, nothing like that... But just the fact itself that hyung () has a girlfriend is something that still cannot settle inside of me properly.

Jimin-ah: ...
Jungkook: ...
Namjoon: ...
Taehyung & Y/N: ...
Yoongi: ... Sigh...

Our attention got stolen by Suga's sigh as he put his book down, clearly annoyed.

Yoongi: Can you stop staring at us like we're a commercial? Jimin-ah is uncomfortable, too.
Taehyung: Sorry... It's just too weird.
Hoseok: You... And a woman...
Y/N: Together...
Yoongi: Is it that weird?

Everybody nodded in unison.

Sam: Mark, can you please tell me how to do this one?
Mark: Which one?

I looked at her. She always dresses up nicely, even when we're inside and not going anywhere, but damn she looks sexy, I have to admit that.
Although it's begun to be really weird knowing that she "lives" here for now, at the same place as y/n does.
I never expected her to accept someone to her house after us, since even that was more than surprising, considering how traumatized she was thanks to her mom.
Mark approached her at the table, leaning down to look at the work she's been doing.

Sam: This one. I've been stuck on this task here since a while ago.
Mark: Ah, I see. I got stuck on that one, too.

I wonder what they're doing...
But that's none of my business, I guess. I looked at y/n, she was with Tae... Again.

Jungkook: 'That's so irritating.'

They were laughing, as always. I wish she could have at least half of the energy she has with V hyung () with me as well.

Lisa: Honey, I'm leaving.
Mark: Already?
Lisa: Yep. (To others) See you in the evening, guys!
All: Bye, Lis!

Then, she left.

Namjoon: She's been really busy lately, don't you think?
Jimin: Well, she's obviously working, what did you expect?
Namjoon: I know, but she's busier than usual.
Jimin: Hm...
Jimin-ah: It's true that she has more working hours than she used to, but isn't that normal when you have a job?
Namjoon: I guess?
Jin: Guys. PD-nim just texted.

Everyone got up on their feet and sat beside him, dying with curiosity.

Hoseok: What is it, what is it?
Yoongi: Is it something important?
Jungkook: Hyung, I think it's obviously important if he texted us in the first place.
Jin: He said there are technical problems at our dorm.
Jimin: ... Huh?
Taehyung: Technical problems?
Jin: Yeah. He said to ask someone to stay at their place for some time being...
Namjoon: Place, huh...
Taehyung: Hmm...

Everyone averted their eyes on y/n, who happened to be right between me and Taehyung. When she finally realized, her expression got filled with confusion.

Y/N: ... Hu-huh???
Jin: Please, y/n-ah?
Hoseok: Please, please, please~!
Jimin: (Acting cute) We'll do everything for you!
Y/N: Um- I don't mind but- don't you want to stay at your home? You must miss your family a lot.
Jimin: Mine are in Busan.
Jungkook: My parents are on a road trip.
Namjoon: In Incheon (인천).
Taehyung: Mine are here, but they live pretty far from our building compared to you.
Hoseok: Yeah, it's really inconvenient. Please?
Y/N: Sure, yeah.
All: Yes!!!
Yoongi: I'll pass.
Jungkook: *Jungshook* Huh???
Jimin: Don't tell me you two will-!?
Jimin-ah & Yoongi: NO.
Taehyung: Why did you reply so terrified, Sta... Jimin-ah?

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