There Are Rivals???

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[Yoongi's P.O.V.]

Alright. Let's find out.

Y/N: Hi guys!
Taehyung: Y/N-ie!
All: Hi, hi~!
Jimin-ah: Hi pals!

She doesn't seem nervous for now. Should I just go first and greet her before everyone or should I just observe her behaviour with each and every member?

Yoongi: 'But what if she'll be with all of them together? I should come up with something and then see how it all goes.'

It's pissing me off. The thought that she might like someone, it's seriously getting on my nerves.
I know it's none of my business and I am more than aware that I have no right to meddle in her love life... But I don't like it. I don't know, it just doesn't feel right?

[Jk] Those two... The more I look at them, the less I like the sight of those two being together all lovey-dovey. It feels like I'm watching an overly-pathetic romance movie which is something that I don't like at all. I also hate how y/n is so happy and cheerful around him.

Jungkook: 'Why isn't she this way when she's with me?'

Just the sound of my own thought made me realize of what nonsense I've been thinking of.

Jungkook: 'Sigh, mind your own business, Jungkook.'
Jimin-ah: You okay, Jk?
Jungkook: Ah, yes... Sort of.
Jimin-ah: *Smile* Who's the girl that troubles your mind, hm?
Jungkook: *Shook* How did you know???

Both of us were talking in lower voices, thankfully, so no one could overhear our conversation.

Jimin-ah: Come on, Kook. I can read you like a book.
Jungkook: Am I that readable?
Jimin-ah: Oh, totally. Besides, I could see there was something troubling you lately.
Jungkook: *Sigh* I don't know... I feel lost. I hope it's nothing...
Jimin-ah: Give me the details here, hun. I can't work with you if you speak so secretly like this.
Jungkook: I get the feeling that there are emotions towards someone that shouldn't be growing.
Jimin-ah: You mean-
Jungkook: Just what you think it is. Yes.
Jimin-ah: In that case, let's talk somewhere more privately, shall we?

I nodded as the two of us left. I hope she'll help me, at least. Jimin-ah knows about these stuff more and better than I do. She's basically a love advice maniac at this point.

[Hs] Just the sight of these two made me feel happier than I initially was. They were so cute together, like two excited puppies.

Taehyung: *Excited* Should we put the banners on the streets too then???
Y/N: Yes! The more people see this the better! You look so amazing in these photos!
Taehyung: Really!?
Y/N: Yeah! You all look so dangerous and attractive, especially you!

That made me smile even more. I could feel that Tae was melting inside from all the happiness and love after hearing her say that. It must've felt really special for him.

Taehyung: Wah, thank you! Now that you said it I feel so much better!
Y/N: Huh? Did something happen so you felt bad???
Taehyung: *Pout* It's been so long since we debuted and there aren't that many people that know us.
Y/N: Aw, cheer up, honey, it will be okay, trust me!
Taehyung: 'H-honey...'
Taehyung: *Smile* If you say so, then I'll put all my trust in you!
Y/N: Deal! You can count on me, Mr. Taetae!
Taehyung: 'Mr. Taetae!? oh my God someone call 119 I think my heart just stopped working!!!'

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