The Beginning of Everything.

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[Seokjin's P.O.V.]

Jimin: Taehyung has what!!!???

We all stood there in shock. I couldn't believe those words that were coming out of Jk's mouth, while Yoongi, Joonie, and Hobi just looked mortified at him, pale and completely still, as if dead.
First, we didn't hear from Tae and Jk for so long, and now this happened.

Jungkook: I know it's hard to take it in, I know. When I found out, I was as shocked as you are right now. But unfortunately, it's true...
Namjoon: H-how did that even happen?
Yoongi: Moreover, is he still okay? Is he-
Jungkook: He's alive, don't worry. He got into a car accident a few weeks ago, but he's all better now, he's recovering.
Jimin: A few weeks!? Where the hell were you then!? We were so worried for you two!
Jungkook: I know, hyungs, I'm so sorry! I really wanted to tell you as soon as I found out, but... But... I didn't have enough courage, and I...

Before he could say anything, Namjoon put a hand on his shoulder, trying to let out a smile.

Namjoon: It's okay. We understand.
Yoongi: Yeah, it must've hit you hard, too...
Jin: Is there anything else we need to know?
Jungkook: ...
Hoseok: ... Well?

He was looking down, and we all knew that what is gonna come next won't be any better from what he said before.

Jungkook: ... He lost his memories.

H-he... What!???
No one expected THAT to come. We were so shocked that we couldn't let out even a single word, which Jungkook took as an opportunity to continue.

Jungkook: But doctors said that he still remembers some things, while some memories will eventually come back!
Hoseok: You saw him???
Jungkook: (Lowering his head) No, I didn't... Doctors said that it's better not to let any visitors for now to not confuse him. That's why his mom is taking care of him there and informing us.
Jin: What about y/n though?
Jungkook: She didn't see him either...
Yoongi: So we're all in uncertainty right now, correct?
Jungkook: For now, yes...
Namjoon: When will he be out?
Jungkook: Mrs. Kim said in a few days.

We all sighed. Well, that's a relief.

Yoongi: *Sigh* Thank God.
Namjoon: I still can't believe this...
Jimin: Yeah...

We all just sat there in silence, which is how we ended the day.

Jin: Do you think everything will turn out okay?
Namjoon: *Sigh* I really hope so.

A couple of days later, Namjoon and I went grocery shopping because there was no food in our dorm. I don't think any of us has got over that news, not even Jungkook.

Jin: This is so terrifying, just thinking of it.
Namjoon: I know. It never even crossed our minds that something like that could have ever happened to any of us.
Jin: Everything was completely perfect and wonderful! Where did everything just go wrong?
Namjoon: I don't know... But I'm really happy he's alive. It could've been worse.
Jin: I know.
Namjoon: What do you think, is Jungkook okay?
Jin: Of course he's not okay, Joon. Did you see his eyebags? He must've been so shocked when he found out.
Namjoon: Yeah... And I also can't imagine how much it hit Jimin. They were classmates, after all...
Jin: What worries me more is how y/n's handling it. We didn't hear from her in ages. Maybe she didn't know Tae for as long as we did, but she's still our friend.
Namjoon: Not saying that she's his girlfriend too.
Jin: Exactly... Aah, we should call her and check on her.

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