Drunk Confession.

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Ah... What a peaceful, beautiful day once again...

Y/N: What did they tell you?
Sam: I checked the chat. They'll be coming in a few hours.
Y/N: Great! Let's get the paint ready until then.
Sam: Okay!

After the news of a stalker going to the mental hospital, everything was back to its place.
My graduation was the next day, and so was Jungkook's. Damn, time flies fast.

Sam: Never would've thought you two would end your school days at the same time.
Y/N: Hah, me neither. He has valid reasons, though.
Sam: True. It's not that easy to maintain both... Gosh, can't wait for the concert next week!
Y/N: This will be your first time seeing them perform, right?

She nodded her head in excitement. How sweet.

Y/N: You're in for a treat, then! Wah, can't believe it's next week already.
Sam: I know, right???
Y/N: I've been wondering for a while now, Sam...
Sam: Mm?
Y/N: What happened between you two that day we got drunk?

And that's how I accidentally made her almost choke to death on the chips she was eating while resting on the sofa.

Sam: Huh??
Y/N: Well, it's just that... It seemed like you remembered something, and since then you two have been acting so weird.
Sam: So that's how it is, huh... I guess that's normal when you like someone.

That's when I almost tripped over paint and killed myself to death. What????

Y/N: Wait, you like him!?
Sam: Is it that weird?
Y/N: ... Jungkook!?
Sam: ... Yeah?
Y/N: Since when?
Sam: Since I met him in America.
Y/N: Why didn't you tell anyone??
Sam: I thought it was obvious.

At this point, I think the only words I managed to say were "sjjfejfhsjnfjsk" while still processing things inside my head.

Y/N: You- him- you- does he know?
Sam: Girl I didn't tell you I will murder him.
Y/N: That's still so shocking! I thought you were so outgoing with him because you're so... Outgoing!
Sam: Well, that's true. I just like to mess with him here and there, that's all.
Y/N: Why though?
Sam: *Scoff* Come on, y/n, "why"?

Yeah... I can actually get why...

Sam: One: He's scared of girls. Two: If some sort of scandal strikes him, it would hurt him a lot. Three: Can't confess now because of the rumors of them going on, I don't want to add another one to the pile of hundreds.
Y/N: Yeah... That's fair enough...

That made me think of something I took for granted this whole time: What if I end up putting them into trouble by causing countless rumors spread about Tae dating, putting both him and the boys into a critical position?

Sam: (Patting me) Tae's a smart boy. He wouldn't let anything stand in between you two. Besides, you're both hiding it so well from the public, no one's caught you by now.
Y/N: Wow, did you just read my mind or something?
Sam: Your face tells.
Y/N: ... So you're not gonna tell what happened then?
Sam: *Sigh* Gosh, I hoped you forgot... Fine, I'll talk.

The moment of truth, yes!!

Flashback (Sam's P.O.V)...

Why are you so heavy, damn it...

Jungkook: When's Christmas coming?
Sam: Jungkook, it's May.
Jungkook: Ah...

I don't know how, but I managed to get to his room and toss him onto the bed.

Sam: There, all done. Good night.
Jungkook: *Whine* You didn't have to toss me like that...
Sam: Sorry. Now go sleep, I need to prove others I'm as sober as... As... Sugs. Yeah, as Sugs!
Jungkook: You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, though...

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