A Relationship That's Sailing.

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[Yoongi's P.O.V.]

Mark: You two are in such a good mood today! What happened?
Taehyung: Nothing special.
Taehyung & Yoongi: 'That Minhyuk's not bothering anymore, that's what happened.'
Mark: Anyway, guys, I have good news as well!
Namjoon: (Closing his book) Oh really? What is it?
Mark: Darling?

We all averted our eyes on Lisa. Both of them were weirdly smiling.

Y/N: Come on, Lis, don't just stand there!
Jin: Yeah woman spill the tea!
Lisa: Well... I finally got a stable job!
All: No way! Congratulations!
Lisa: Thank you!
Sam: And what do you do now?
Lisa: Hehe, it's a secret.
Hoseok: Oh, come on, now! You're no fun at all when you act like this!
Jungkook: (Drinking banana milk) Agree.
Lisa: Fine, fine. I'm working at the pet shop near Stacey's place.
Taehyung: Oh?
Jimin-ah: Really? You can stay at my place as well, then! I'll spend most of my time at work anyway and you won't have to spend your money on transport.
Lisa: That's great, thanks! What about Sam though?
Sam: Oh, don't worry about me.
Jimin-ah: Yeah. It's her who wanted to stay at y/n's in the first place.
Y/N: *Surprised* Really?
Sam: Yup! Hope you don't mind, tho.
Y/N: Why would I mind? You're like our family now.
Hoseok: Yeah! We're all a big and cozy family here, hehe.
Sam: *Happy* Thanks, it's really nice of you all.
Namjoon: What about you then, Mark? Do you still work at the same place?
Jin: Denmark, lol.

There he goes again... He and his weird/stupid sense of humour. Thank God I wasn't born that stupid to understand it.

Mark: I decided to work at my dad's company as well, so I'm working two jobs right now.
Jin: Cool.

[Y/N] Listening to all of them made me remember the advice Jin has taught me: "Why don't you work full time?"
Now that I think of it, my graduation's going to be really soon, and while everyone's doing something with their lives, even Lisa who dropped out from school, what about me? What am I doing with my life? It feels as if I'm falling behind and am more unable to keep up with everyone. I should change that.

[Yg] I admit it. Let's not hide from the truth, shall we?
Taehyung and Jungkook were both beside me, playing games and laughing like idiots as usual. I could see he was happy now that our opponent peacefully left the house and hasn't contacted them at all.

Yoongi: 'Ah... So peaceful today...'
Jimin-ah: I'm heading out!
Sam: Huh, why?
Hoseok: What do you mean "why"? Shouldn't you ask "where"?
Sam: Who cares, you'll get the same answer anyway.
Jungkook: 'She makes sense.'
Jimin-ah: I need to meet up with someone, that's why.

Meet up with someone? Could that be Minhyuk???
Relax, calm down. It's none of my business, anyway...

Mark: Well, bye then!
Jimin-ah: Bye, folks!
All: Bye, bye!

None of my business...

Jin: Do you know who she's meeting up with?
Y/N: Why would I know that?

I don't care.

Taehyung: (To me) What if she went to see that Minhyuk idiot?
Yoongi: I hope not. He's pissing me off.
Taehyung: Right!? Who does he think he is? Going up all like (Mocking with an ugly face) "ThErE's nO rEaSoN tO GiFt a bEaUTifuL WoMaN wItH a sUrPriSe, is ThErE?" I wish I could've just slapped him back then when he said that.
Jungkook: *Amazed* Wow. You even remembered the exact words he said.
Taehyung: *Irritated* How wouldn't I... When he touched my y/n and all...

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