Weird Friendships.

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In the end, it turned out that boys were back from Incheon (인천) after five days.
By that time, I managed to change this place (garage) a bit.

Y/N: 'All done! Now, the only thing left is paint.'

I was very satisfied with what I did, this place really began to look better and prettier.
For a short time, I just stood in front of the garage, admiring my work as the garage was filled with fresh air. I gave a brief nod to myself.

Y/N: You worked hard, y/n.

Then happily closed the garage and went home to put back all the tools I took from the basement, but, to my misfortune, I saw this.

Y/N: What!? Aaaah are you kidding me!? Why am I so messy!?

The basement was in chaos! Tools were everywhere- on the floor, in the boxes with jams, just... Everywhere.
I sighed, they're not going to clean themselves, are they?
After finally cleaning that up, I went to the hall to go grocery shopping when I heard a very familiar voice.

Lisa: Oi, y/n! You dead?
Y/N: Coming!

I ran to the door. They were still on the way to my house. I hurriedly and happily ran towards my two friends and hugged them.

Y/N: Finally!
Lisa: (Struggling to breathe) I- can't- breathe, y/n...

They couldn't hug me because they were dragging their luggage, but that's okay. I was just happy to see them after almost a week.

Y/N: *Happy* Here, let me help.

I took Lisa's briefcase and lift it up, carrying it on my shoulders while the two of them stared at me with shock.

Y/N: What are you waiting for? Get in!
Mark: But we wanted to go to Lisa's house. We just came here to say hi.
Y/N: Too late. Besides, my dad will drop you off.
Lisa: *Excited* Your dad's coming???
Y/N: Yup!
Lisa: Why didn't you say so!? That's great!
Mark: Didn't see that old man in a while!

Mark always called him 'old man'. They got along pretty well. Whenever they would see each other, they would talk about a lot of things, or help each other in their stuff.
While they were making themselves comfortable, I took out an ice cream from the fridge, which was basically the only thing left.

Mark: Thanks. That's exactly what we need! You're a life savior!
Y/N: *Happy* Suit yourselves. I'll go to the store, my fridge is pretty much dead.
Lisa: *Mouthful* Okay.

It was pretty hot outside, so I didn't mind going out in shorts and, dad's shirt, and sandals.
Just when I was about to exit my block, another surprise approached me.

Jungkook: We're back~!
Y/N: Guys!

I was so happy to see them that I ran as fast as I could to hug them, and they did the same.

Jimin: Y/N-ah~! We missed you so much~!
Hoseok: Yeah! It wasn't as fun without you and your friends!
Y/N: Aw~! I can say it was pretty boring here without you too.

Then I saw someone who I did not expect there to be.

Y/N: *Surprised* Oh, hi Yoongi! You're here too?
Jin: *Jokingly* We managed to drag his ass all the way here.
Yoongi: *Sigh* I came here against my own will...
Namjoon: *Happy* What about you? Why are you coming out of your house, are you busy?
Y/N: Nah. My fridge is dying so I was about to go grocery shopping.
Jimin: *Gasp* Can we go too?
Y/N: Of course! But let's go and leave your luggage at my house, first.
Namjoon: We don't really want to bother you, though.
Y/N: You're not bothering me at all! Besides, there's a surprise waiting for you!
Jungkook: *Smirk* There's a surprise for you too.
Y/N: Shall we go then?
Taehyung: 'Why is she in such a bright mood?'

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