"Don't Mess With Them".

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Y/N: *Excited* Guys, meet my new friend! Her name is Jimin!
Jimin-ah: *Bowing* Hello, nice to meet you.
Jin: Waah, she has the same name as our Jimin!

Jimin and I began hanging out more and more, and because of our deal, I wanted to help her out and win Yoongi over (even though it was still weird for me that she liked HIM). Guys sneaked out of their dorm again to hang out here, thanks to what I thought it was a perfect opportunity to bring Jimin over, introduce her to my friends and ask one of the guys to help us out.

Namjoon: *Smiling* Nice to meet you, Jimin. This name really suits you.
Jimin-ah: *Flattered* Thank you. It's nice to meet you too!
Hoseok: Cue the introduction music, please!

He snapped his fingers as Jungkook turned on a 20th Century Fox introduction track while Hobi was talking with a low and epic voice as everyone buried their heads away from this madness and yes, including me.

Hoseok: I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope!
Namjoon: *Embarrassed* I don't know this man.
Yoongi: Please someone stop him.

And then Jk turned off the music and continued playing games.

Hoseok: I'm just kidding, I'm Jung Hoseok, nice to meet you!
Jimin-ah: *Laughing* Nice to meet you too.
Jimin: *Smiling* I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you, Jimin.
Jimin-ah: *Chuckle* Nice to meet you too, Jimin.
Jimin-ah: 'This guy is charming.'

After everyone introduced themselves to her, Yoongi just slightly raised his arm (probably an attempt to wave), still sitting on my massage chair and wearing no expression on his face.

Yoongi: We already met.
Jimin-ah: Yeah... W-we did.
Jin: Ya, hyung (야,형)! Why are you so cold!
Yoongi: I'm not.
Jin: Stop lying! Get your ass up and greet the lady properly!
Yoongi: *Muttering* Yes, mom.

He made sure Jin heard that because he kept glaring at Jin before he approached Jimin and stood in front of her.

Yoongi: We meet again.
Jimin-ah: Y-yeah.
Yoongi: Welcome to the group of idiots.
Namjoon: !?
Jimin: *Insulted* Excuse me!?
Jimin-ah: (Nervous laugh) Hahaha... Thanks...
Jin: Don't just say "thanks"!

When he finally left, I leaned towards her as I jokingly teased her.

Y/N: Wow, you didn't drop anything this time.
Jimin-ah: *Smirk* Oh, shut up.
Jin: (Grabbing her wrists) Come on, Jimin! We'll show you around!
Jimin: *Confused* But I already know this place.
Jin: Not you, Jimin. The new one.
Jimin: Oh.
Y/N: 'Good thing Taehyung's not here.'
Taehyung: (Barging into the house, excited) Hi guys, I'm back!

Speak of the devil...

Jin: Ohoho~ look who came! The star of the day!
Namjoon: How was the meeting?
Hoseok: *Excited* Did you convince them???
Taehyung: (Tossing his bag on the floor) Nah, all they said was "We'll think about it".
Y/N: *Dumbfounded* Is it just me or something happened and I have no idea what it is?
Taehyung: *Smiling* You'll find out soon, hehe.

Jimin (the girl) was behind everyone, so luckily he didn't see her.

Jimin: Ah, by the way, Tae! Y/N brought over a new friend!

Tae looked genuinely excited about that and I regretted him coming over. Then, something I never wanted to happen just unfolded right in front of my eyes- they made eye contact.

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