His Girlfriend.

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I start to remember more and more things. It feels like someone is slowly putting my missing puzzle pieces back to its place.

Taehyung: How could I not remember this umbrella? She caught a cold because of it, what a moron.

It felt like a dream at first, but I was certain it was much, much more important. Something like a big memory, something that could answer so many questions of mine. That girl wasn't a dream.
She kept coming into my head, telling me the same thing as I asked her over and over about how much she loves me.
Her voice was so, so familiar, but because it was so muffled I could barely make any sense out of it.

Taehyung: She must've been so important if I even asked her that...

I've been talking to myself for hours while searching through my stuff, looking for something.

Taehyung: I wonder...

That's when I found something that caught my eye- a boat. It looked so out of this world and so familiar, but I couldn't get a hold of it for some reason.

Taehyung: 'So beautiful...'

I even read the letter that came with it. I recall a memory of that time, the time when I had no friends of my own. I'm not sure where this came from, but it felt like it had a huge value, so I treasured what was before my eyes with my whole heart.
Once I was done organizing my mess, I got ready to go out with my friends.

Taehyung: Alright, Tae.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I adjusted my necktie.

Taehyung: Today I'm telling y/n I like her.

It made me excited yet nervous, how funny. I feel like a high school child right now.

Sam: So I've been thinking...
Namjoon: Yes?
Sam: What if we go to travel somewhere this winter?
Hoseok: Huh?
Yoongi: Travel?
Jimin: Like for a field trip or...?
Sam: Hm... More like a vacation.
Jungkook: Sure, sounds like lots of fun.
Y/N: Yeah, why not?

I heard all of them murmuring something as I walked into the cafe.

Jimin: Oh? Tae has arrived!
Jin: Hi, Tae.
Lisa & Mark: Hi, pal!
Taehyung: Hi, guys.

I looked down at her as I put my jacket on the chair. She looked right into my eyes, dazzling as ever.
I couldn't help but let out a smile at her.

Taehyung: *Quietly* Hi, y/n-ie.
Y/N: (Quietly, also smiling) Hi.

It felt like her entire existence was unreal, like only I could see it. How amazing she is, how wonderful she is, how mesmerizing she is, and just how perfect she is, even with all her flaws.

Lisa: So what did we say about that vacation?
Taehyung: *Curious* Oh? What were you guys talking about while I was gone?
Y/N: Come, sit. I'll tell you everything.

She tapped at the sit next to hers, signaling me to sit there.
Euphoria filled my body as I sat close to her, listening to her quiet voice talking about the plans they've been discussing.

Y/N: So what do you think?
Taehyung: Honestly, I haven't paid the slightest attention to what you were saying.
Y/N: *Laughing* What's up with you today, Tae? This is so not like you.
Taehyung: *Smile* You're right, it's not. I just couldn't help but think how lovely you are today.

She just looked at me surprised, but I still couldn't take my eyes off her, it was true- she was really lovely.

Taehyung: Could you get any more perfect than this?
Y/N: Tae, what's up with you? This is so out of the blue-
Taehyung: I just thought I would let you know, that's all.

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