Our First Spring Pt. 1

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[4 And A Half Years Ago]

It was late in spring. May, I think.
Cherry blossoms were already bloomed, filling once empty trees with such gentle colors.
People would go around the park, looking at those trees, couples would talk about how wonderful this year's cherry blossoms are, and so on...

While I...

~At The Game Store~

Lisa: What!? No way!!
Y/N: Haha~ I won! Guess who's buying dinner tonight?

Yup. For me, it was another day, perfect for playing games, since I would do all my homework at school.
You could say that I was kind of a nerd in school, but once I'm out of that hell, I'm a person... Far away from a nerd...
Lisa would always make me company because she had nothing better to do.
She decided to skip a year in her uni so she could 'find what she truly wants'... Well long story short, she just wanted to take a break from school.

Lisa: Tell me your secret!
Y/N: *Confused* ... What secret?
Lisa: How come you are so good at this games!? Come on! There must be some trick.
Y/N: I don't know... I just like playing I guess...?

She just rolled her eyes and then annoyingly said.

Lisa: I'll get us some drinks, okay? Don't go missing.
Y/N: Yes, ma'am~!

I chuckled at that, and then I looked around the place, tapping myself on the chin with my index finger.

Y/N: 'Hmm... What should I play next?... Let's see...'

And then- a new game caught my eye.
It was called Overwatch. I always wanted to play that game, but the ones working here would always tell me that it didn't come yet. Finally!
I can finally play this!
I rushed there as fast as I could, ready to put my token into the hole for those when all of a sudden I saw someone's hand, holding the exact same token.
Those hands were obviously male's, they were enormous, but they looked... Soft?
I looked up and saw a surprised male face, staring back at me.
His eyes were big and beautiful. They were brown, almost black.
His hair was the same color as his eyes.
There was something about him that made him so special, he stood out from others, he looked so mature yet so childish... Ah~ I'm going nuts!
But then I was snapped back to reality.

Unknown: I was first.
Y/N: Uh?
Unknown: I was first. I came here first and then you appeared out of nowhere.
Y/N: 'Wow... So much from my expectations... Even though he looks mesmerizing he's like those jerks, after all...'
Y/N: Actually it was quite the opposite.
Unknown: No it wasn't.
Y/N: *Sigh* I think it's pointless to fight because each one of us thinks that we came first...
Unknown: But I did come first!
Y/N: Yeah, yeah, me too... That's why I'll play first because I'm in a rush. My friend is waiting for me.
Unknown: Then go. No one cares. I have business after this too, you know?
Y/N: Wow~ such a gentleman~!

He sighed, lowering his head down, covering it with his big hands, making his bangs slightly cover his face.

Unknown: Look... I would gladly let you play, but I'm in a big hurry. I wasn't supposed to come here. So please, let me play and then play as much as you want, I won't bother.

I felt sorry for being too harsh on this stranger, so I decided to let it go.

Y/N: Hmph. Alright then. I'll go and find another playing machine with the same game, then.

But just when I was about to leave-

Unknown: There are no other machines.

I looked back at him, and he did exactly the same. We both knew what that meant.
The moment of silence, and then-

Y/N: I'm first!!!
Unknown: No- You're- Not!!

We were fighting for the seat. He was really strong, I knew I'll lose, but I didn't give up. I really wanted to play that game! If I won't now, then I never will, because after this (my last game) I had to go to pack for my trip about my future job, and I knew that I'll forget about it because my mind will be too occupied with other things, like school and my trip.

Unknown: Please!
Y/N: Sorry, but- Not- Today!

We were like this for minutes, fighting for the game. Hah... How childish...
But all of a sudden, I fell on the chair.

Unknown: Fine. So be it.

I looked confused at him. He fixed his hair and then continued.

Unknown: My time is up now so I don't think I would play it. Hope you're satisfied now.
Y/N: Hey, that's not fair!
Unknown: You got your game, what else did you want?
Y/N: Well, that's true, bu-
Unknown: But what?
Y/N: ... That wasn't fair...

Then, he did something that I would never expect.
He smirked at me, and then came closer to me.
He harshly moved towards me, being so close that our noses almost touched.

Y/N: 'T-too close!!!'
Unknown: In that case... Want it to be fair?

I didn't understand his question at all. I didn't know where this was all going, so I just nodded, since I felt too uncomfortable speaking right in front of his mouth/lips.
He smirked again and kept staring at me until I realized...
I opened my eyes widely.

Y/N Y-you-!!!
Unknown: I think this should be fair enough. Now then, bye~!
Y/N: WAIT!!!!

But he was already gone.
He put his token into the machine and then put mine, which caused a game to glitch.
He just blocked a machine...
Normally it happens when someone does it by accident so the game can't function normally for 2 to 3 hours, but this man- seriously!!!???
Then Lisa came back.

Lisa: I bought drinks. Let's go- Hm? What's wrong?

I looked pissed towards the exit door.
That man.
I guarantee to you, stranger, if I'll see you again, I will kill you.
Just wait and see, I'll make your days miserable.

Y/N: Nothing...

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