I Think We're Going To Be Friends.

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It's this time of the year again. November.

Time sure flies fast. We all celebrated Namjoon's and Jimin's birthdays which was my first time, but it was sure fun! I got to see a lot of different sides of them, I saw Yoongi smile more, and I got closer to them. In fact, now we even call each other by nicknames! Luckily they still only call me y/n-ah (well that brat Taehyung still calls me clown or IT) or something random. We also made another separate chat, so now, aside from Bangtan Chat and our BPC (Broke Potato Chat), we have another one called...

[I Think We're Going To Be Friends Vine Chat]

MomGetMyNuts: I don't like this name let's change it~ ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

RM: Why? I think it's okay

Jay-Dope: Yeah, after all the changes
Jae-Dope: I still don't get why you didn't like the last one

GoldenMaknae_Beach: Oh yeah
GoldenMaknae_Beach: Kylee is My Queen was sooo good~
GoldenMaknae_Beach: That was sarcasm btw

MarkTheCorn: Why do we have to quote vines? Why not memes?

AD93: Does it even matter?

ChimChimmy: Of course it does!
ChimChimmy: I want this chat to be called 
ChimChimmy: It's an avocado, thanks

BobaMadeOutOfUrTears: I still like Fre Sha Vaca Do more ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Cucumber.Roberto: That's too long
Cucumber.Roberto: I like "Sniff Bork Bork" more
Cucumber.Roberto: Or "Iridocyclitis" 

BobaMadeOutOfUrTears: Yeah
BobaMadeOutOfUrTears: Coming from a person who's username is a vegetable

Cucumber.Roberto: It's still better than your name <(`^')>
Cucumber.Roberto: Couldn't come up with anything longer and lamer huh?

GoldenMaknae_Beach: Sigh srsly

WH.KimSeokjin: Not again
WH.KimSeokjin: We didn't gather here to argue about that
WH.KimSeokjin: ... Again.
WH.KimSeokjin: We came here to discuss a serious matter

RM: Jin's right
RM: This is really serious and important

AD93: Not like I care lol

Jae-Dope: Then should you do it instead? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

AD93: No 눈_눈
AD93: I just joined this chat because
AD93: ... Never mind

BobaMadeOutOfUrTears: You were sayin'? 

RM: As I was saying
RM: We all gathered here to discuss something really important

MomGetMyNuts: What can be more important than discussing abt our chat name?

GoldenMaknae_Beach: Um excuse me
GoldenMaknae_Beach: I am?

MomGetMyNuts: No ur not

GoldenMaknae_Beach: !? (`Δ') !

WH.KimSeokjin: ... So
WH.KimSeokjin: Who's taking Jk from school this week?

AD93: ...
AD93: I thought you said 'something important'

Jae-Dope: LMAO

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