New Friend.

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Taehyung: 'Oh my God I can't believe I said that to my mom! "I hope she will be one day"!? ONE DAY!!!??? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN TAEHYUNG!?'
Y/N: Um... So... Are you gonna order or...?
Taehyung: ... What?
Y/N: (Poker face) You came to my part-time job and kept on calling me. If you won't order anything then just go home already.
Taehyung: *Dumbfounded* ... When did I call you?
Y/N: *Sigh* I'm done with you, Tae.
Taehyung: Wait! Since you're here...
Y/N: What?
Taehyung: Um... What do you think of... Relationships?
Y/N: *Blank* They're cringy.
Taehyung: Oh.
Taehyung: 'Well isn't that just great.'
Y/N: Anyway is that it? I really need to get back to work.
Taehyung: *Sigh* Yeah...
Y/N: Thank you. See ya later then.
Taehyung: Yeah...

[Th] Why did I come here in the first place even? Ah, that's right. I remember now...
After I met up with those guys and was about to leave, she asked me to stay with her for a bit until Daehyun leaves home.

Taehyung: 'Idiot. Do you even know what can happen when you ask a guy so carelessly to stay with you? What if I wouldn't be able to control myself and spit everything out?'

I don't know what to do anymore- I really like her, but I'm scared I'll ruin our precious relationship as friends... I wish Namjoon or other hyungs could help me. This is sad...


Jimin: *Cheerful* Hi, y/n~!

Just when you mention your sadness, here he appears, literally out of nowhere, the great mood savior, Park Jimin.

Y/N: Hi, Jimin! What brings you here?
Jimin: Is Taehyung here? I need to talk to him.
Y/N: 'Thanks for ignoring me. Really appreciate that.'
Y/N: Um, yeah. He's right there. Why?
Jimin: *Mutter* I knew it... (Smiling back at y/n) Thanks, y/n.
Y/N: You're... Welcome, I guess?

I saw him getting closer and closer to me. I was too lazy to get up and say hi to him.

Jimin: Can I sit here?
Taehyung: Does it look like it's taken?
Jimin: No, that's why I'm asking you.
Taehyung: ...
Jimin: (Sits down) So?
Taehyung: 'So'?
Jimin: Did you ask her out?
Taehyung: Ah... That...

Right. I totally forgot I wanted to ask y/n to go somewhere, just the two of us. I really want to tell her about this, so what better way to do it than to invite her somewhere where no one would disturb or even make fun of us?

Jimin: *Annoyed* You forgot???
Taehyung: I'm sorry-
Jimin: Unbelievable! You had one job, man! (Showing with his finger) ONE. JOB!
Taehyung: (Putting his hand down) Okay you don't have to show me what 'one' looks like with your finger, I know that already, thank you very much.
Jimin: I can't believe- you wait until a guy comes and snatches her away from you.
Taehyung: What the hell- what guy?
Jimin: Does it matter? The moment a man appears in her life, it's over for you! You really need to-
Hoseok: (Putting his jacket on the other chair) Hey, what's up?
Jimin: Hi, Hobi.
Taehyung: Did you even ask to sit there?
Hoseok: Why? We all know you've got no friends except for us to sit here, so it's kind of obvious no one's sitting here.
Jimin: Ouch.
Taehyung: Are you implying that I have no friends?
Hoseok: Are we a joke to you then?
Taehyung: Nevermind that. Why are you even here, hyung ()?
Hoseok: Jimin called me.
Jimin: Yeah, I called him.
Taehyung: Why?
Hoseok: To get your love life back to life.
Jimin: (Starts to laugh) Lol it's not like it was alive before-

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