Not Ill... But in Love...?

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After we came back I still had that problem. Because of that, I tried my best to avoid y/n, but it got way worse whenever she'd approach me and do something... So when we arrived in Seoul (서울), the first thing I did was see the doctor. Is this really the end of me? Am I going to die? Do I really have some heart issue and illnesses? Because of how nervous I was I began tapping on my knees with my fingertips while impatiently sitting there in front of a doctor who was checking some papers while I was looking at him. Then finally, he put them down and leaned a bit forward, locking his arms and looking at me like those professional genius doctors from anime or movies (I must admit he looked really cool).

Doctor: Hm... Strange.
Taehyung: What is it, doctor?
Doctor: You said all your concerns, but I don't find anything unusual.
Taehyung: A-are you sure? There's really no sign of an illness or anything?
Doctor: Positive. Now, if you don't mind, could you please repeat what concerns you, you might've left out something.
Taehyung: Sure. You see, doctor, this never happened to me before until some time ago. My heart hurts and jumps and is beating super, super-fast, there were a few times where I thought my heart will just explode or jump right out of my chest from how fast it was pumping. For some mysterious reason, it doesn't happen often.
Doctor: It doesn't?
Taehyung: Yes. The timing is so weird that it only happens when I'm near my female friend. I checked it with others, but nothing happened. 

A moment of silence. He was listening to me a bit dumbfounded and examined in his thoughts (that's what he looked like, at least) the symptoms I had, but then... He burst out laughing, and now, the only one dumbfounded in this room was me.

Doctor: *Laughing* Kids are really amazing these days!
Taehyung: *Confused* Sorry sir, but I don't quite understand...
Doctor: You're not sick, my friend, you're in love!
Taehyung: 'Dude the heck?'
Taehyung: (Crinkling my face) ... Am I? Are you sure... There's not something else...?
Doctor: Well, aside from that, I don't see any symptoms showing. You're completely healthy.
Taehyung: *Scoff* Then there must be something wrong. There's no way I can fall in love with my best friend.
Doctor: Yeah, yeah, almost everyone says that. Since when has this been going on?
Taehyung: Since this February, I think.
Doctor: Here's my advice, kid: be straightforward to her and tell her how you feel. That's the manliest thing you can do to win her over.
Taehyung: Pha! No way in hell I'd ask her out, she's way too mean.
Doctor: Still, in case you change your mind, this advice will help you a lot. Now, since we found out that there are no heart problems here...
Taehyung: 'You know it's obvious that you want to laugh after saying 'heart problems' so weirdly...'
Doctor: The appointment has come to an end.
Taehyung: *Bowing* Thank you, doctor. 
Taehyung: 'For telling me such nonsense.'
Taehyung: I'll take my leave now.
Taehyung: 'Seriously, not even Jungkook would have come up with something like this.'

I exited through the door and slowly closed it, going back home accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Taehyung: *Snicker* Doctor, yeah right. Instead of signifying my heart disease you tell me how I fell in love... And in y/n at that. How ridiculous.


Jimin: (Crying while rolling on the bed with Jungkook) PHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG WHAT A GENIUS!
Taehyung: (Beginning to get mad) Stop laughing, it's a serious matter!
Jungkook: I'M WHEEZING! Hyung (), you're really something!
Taehyung: Go to hell, man! Both of you.

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