How Sam & Jungkook Got Together: Bonus Episode.

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Lisa: I can't believe they did it.
Yoongi: It was so surprising!
Jin: Was it, though? I kinda expected it.
Taehyung: So who confessed to whom??
Jungkook: *Sigh* Why are you all so annoying...


Why is Jungkook sticking to me more and more these days? I mean not like I mind it, it's just so... Not Jungkook.

Jungkook: Wanna go grab boba with me?
Jungkook: Hey, there's this new game I found, let's check it out!
Jungkook: Look, SamSam! I'm learning how to play a guitar!
Jungkook: Wanna join me in the gym?
Jungkook: Don't make any plans for today, we're watching a movie. I know you'll like it.
Jungkook: I ordered us some food! Your favourite, as always.
Jungkook: Just wanted to drop by and spend more time with you, that's all... Can I?

For every single thing he had a perfect excuse, for almost every single day he had a way to spend time with me. And when he didn't? He sent me a bunch of text messages, photos, and things such as "It's so boring here without you" "Wish you could come" "Miss you" "If you were here it would've been million times better" "It's different when it's with you" and so on.
This day was no different.
It was the second day since Tae and y/n left on that trip, so I was left here to take care of the house, minding my own business and packing the rest of my things I had, untill...

*Ding Dong*

Sam: *Exhale* It must be him again.

I was really tired, I barely even managed to get up and open the door for him.

Jungkook: Hi, SamSam!
Sam: Hi, Kook. What brings you here at such hot weather?
Jungkook: You, as always.

It was moments like these that made it harder to not show my affection towards him. I could feel my cheeks burning but I knew I had to play it cool.

Sam: 'He probably said that because he feels so comfortable around me.'
Sam: Come in. Suit yourself, I can barely stand at this point.
Jungkook: Huh? Why? Are you okay?
Sam: I'm fine, I just feel a bit tired, that's all.
Jungkook: Oh...

I was on my way to my room when the floor was suddenly no longer underneath my feet, so of course, my natural reaction was to scream because I didn't know what happened.

Jungkook: In that case, take a day off.
Sam: (Still in shock) But I need to pack before-
Jungkook: I will pack everything for you before they come back, don't worry. You always work hard, take some rest for a change.
Sam: ... Okay. It's not like I can ever go against you or anything...

I didn't intend for that sentence to reach his ears, but based on his reaction, it probably did.
He carried me to the lake. Yes, carried...
There were so many people staring at us, and it did feel weird to some extent, but the moment I glanced at Jk it was obvious he didn't mind this whole situation at all. You could say he was even satisfied and proud of himself.
At last, he placed me at the bench that had a really beautiful view of the whole city and the lake itself.

Jungkook: Ah! Almost forgot.

He then began rummaging through his backpack before handing me a load of things, so many that I almost droped half of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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