The Bridge That Made Us Closer.

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[Jungkook's P.O.V.]

Too close.
Those two are too close, to the point they'll just become one person.
It just feels... Weird.
Usually, I wouldn't even bother when those two are together, but recently they began getting on my nerves- no, that's not right. They get on my nerves when they act all cutesy and have a good time... Oh my God, I got infected by their stupidity, maybe that's why...?

Jungkook: ...
Jungkook: 'Stop smiling at her like that, you look like a creep.'

[Th] We were laughing and having a lot of fun! Jk and I snuck out of the dorm in the morning to hang out with y/n and she showed us a lot of awesome comic books, we were basically bathing in them! We talked and talked until someone interrupted us.

Jungkook: (Fake cough)
Y/N: Is everything okay, Jk?
Jungkook: Stop neglecting me, assholes.
Taehyung: Watch your language, mister.
Jungkook: You're not Jin hyung ().
Taehyung: Why you-
Y/N: TaeTae, don't.

Her hands softly grabbed my arms as I was about to stand up and smack this kid. Seriously, what's gotten into him??? He was completely okay until recently!
I don't know what was it about her voice and touch, but I calmed down and obediently sat down next to her as we were about to continue read comics that she just bought.

Taehyung: You're lucky Jin's not here.
Jungkook: ...
Y/N: Why don't you read with us? There are plenty of other comic books that you like too!
Jungkook: Don't want to.
Y/N: *Surprised* Strange.
Taehyung: (Turning her around to continue reading) Let him be, y/n. He's not in a good mood today.

Whatever. I'll talk to him when he calms down a bit. If we were to talk now, we'd probably just end up fighting and that's the last thing we want. We're idols now, we have to try our best and show people a good image.
It's depressing, to be honest- being a celebrity. We don't get that much recognition and it feels as if we're doing all of this for nothing, but I can't give up yet. I want to keep going until the end. 
Besides, y/n's with us, and that's enough for me. She's been so supportive of us, it's just amazing- despite all the work, she still has time to visit us at the dorm, hang around with us and even let us into her house whenever we sneak out of the dorm!
I don't know what it is about her that makes me feel this way, but I know one thing for sure- I want to make her happy.
I want to repay her and show how grateful I am for all she did not only for me but for all of us. She deserves to be happy, she really does.

Taehyung: Want something to drink?
Y/N: *Reading* Yes, please.
Taehyung: Alright then.

After checking her fridge I asked her what milkshake she'd like to have. When I asked Jungkook, he just stood up and took it himself which kind of pissed me off.

Taehyung: You could've just said it.
Jungkook: ...

Sigh... Let's just ignore him for now. I came back to y/n and she showed me a lot of awesome comic books that she read, it was my first time seeing them, but they really looked cool and promising.
After about an hour of laughter and reading, we all jumped up when y/n's phone vibrated.

Taehyung: Who is it?
Y/N: Mark.
Taehyung: Is something wrong?
Y/N: Hold on, I'm reading... Well, looks like our lazy time is over.
Taehyung: (Baby shocked face) What???

I looked up at her as she closed the book and stood up.
What do you mean it's over??? We didn't come here to work but to rest!
I stood up as well and followed her to the hallway.

Taehyung: What's going on, y/n?
Y/N: Mark asked me to go to that store again.
Taehyung: Eh??? Why's that?
Y/N: *Shrugs* Who knows. You two stay here and rest, I'll be back later.
Taehyung: I'm going with you.
Y/N: Wait... What? No, why?
Taehyung: Just shut up and let's go. That place is far. You shouldn't go alone.
Y/N: What about-
Taehyung: Jungkook can stay home and guard the house.
Jungkook: (Behind me) I'm going as well.
Y/N: But it's your-
Jungkook: (Acting tough) Knowing you, you'll probably end up getting lost while breathing.
Taehyung: What the hell-
Y/N: You're the one to talk.
Jungkook: Whatever. Let's go.

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