A Horrible Misunderstanding.

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[Taehyung's P.O.V.]

I went out to buy some flowers while everybody was too busy packing.
I know it's cliché to buy flowers, but I remember this one time when she told me her ideal date would begin with the scent of flowers in her hands (meaning getting a bouquet from her bf).
When I came back, she was nowhere around.

Taehyung: Did you see y/n-ie?
Sam: What do you need those flowers for?
Taehyung: Doesn't matter. Did you see her or did you not?
Jimin: Could it be for y/n?
Taehyung: None of your business. Where is she?
Yoongi: Wow looks like someone is trying to-
Taehyung: Dear God, do you know where she is or not???
Namjoon: S-she's in the basement.
Jimin-ah: What the hell. Why would she be there?

He shrugged in response.
No time to waste, I went downstairs.
I heard her voice, it was her. She was there.
Just as I was about to approach and surprise her, I saw someone else. She wasn't alone.

Jungkook: Don't take it personally, either, alright?

Jungkook? I wonder what's he doing here.

Jungkook: Y/N-ah... I think I like you.

Say what boi???
You think what!?
Say that again because... WUT!?

[Y/N] ... What?

Y/N: Wha... That's- hahaha

I don't even know why. Maybe because I was too shocked and in disbelief that I started laughing... Until I realized he was dead serious.

Jungkook: ...
Y/N: (Clearing my throat) I- sorry, it's just that... This was so out of the blue, and-
Jungkook: No, it wasn't.

Huh? What does he mean "it wasn't"???

Jungkook: I gave out a lot of signs before. It's just that you didn't notice it. *Mutter* You were too busy paying attention to V hyung ()...
Y/N: *Surprised* You know how to give signs?

Instead, I got a very unpleasant & annoyed look on his face.
Well this is awkward...

Y/N: I...
Jungkook: I just wanted to let you know about that. You're my best friend, so I think you out of all people have the right to know.


Y/N: Listen, Kook...
Jungkook: Yes?
Y/N: I... Like you too.

[Th] She what!? What the hell is going on right now!?
So this whole time, it was Jungkook she liked???
Afraid to hear and see what's about to come, I quietly got out of there.
I know it was an immature thing of me to do, but I couldn't bear it... Not like this.

[Y/N] His face got brighter.

Jungkook: Really? You do?

I nodded, still feeling bad, torn, and somewhat guilty.

Jungkook: ... Is there something wrong?
Y/N: ... There's a "but"...
Jungkook: Ah...
Y/N: I really, really like you, Kook. I sincerely do. Unfortunately, I don't like you the way you want me to. I can't give you the kind of love you need, I'm sorry. You know there's someone else I like.
Jungkook: Should've expected that...

Then he attacked me with something completely unexpected- he smiled.

Jungkook: Of course I know. You always make it so obvious that you like Taehyung, idiot.

Before he left the basement, he rubbed my hair. This time, for an unknown reason, I didn't oppose. My entire body was frozen in place.

Jungkook: I'm just glad I could get it off my chest. Don't put much thought into it. Let's not be awkward around each other, okay?

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