A Strange Feeling.

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Y/N: *Holding onto the door* I won't go!
Lisa: Come *Pushing* on!
Y/N: No!

She pushed me through the door. Why do I have to talk to him? Just why!? I don't want to get involved with him now that we see each other almost every day!

Y/N: And what on Earth am I supposed to say to him???
Lisa: Just say that you want to get to know him better! Get along well, damn it.
Y/N: (Fake laugh) Haha, no!
Lisa: Oh my Gosh just freaking go!

Sadly, it was too late for me, since I was already behind him...

He was looking at the vase in my hall, for some reason, so his back was facing me.

Y/N: '... Weirdo.'
Y/N: Hey... You...

He turned around towards me. His face was filled with irritation and he was clearly annoyed by me... Well, just like I was with him.

Taehyung: ... Taehyung.
Y/N: I know... I don't care.
Taehyung: ... What?
Y/N: Uhm... Lisa asked me to... Get along with you... Well.
Taehyung: ... I don't like you. You drive me crazy.
Y/N: *Glaring* Likewise.
Taehyung: Good. I don't really want to be involved with you. I'm just here because of the boys.
Y/N: Me neither. Do what you want, just don't appear in front of my eyes, I have a 'seeing a garbage' allergy.
Taehyung: What a coincidence! Me too~!
Y/N: Great! Now we have a good reason to not see each other!
Taehyung: Fine by me.

And with that, we went past one other and never looked at each other. I came back to Lisa that was now in the living room, standing beside the entrance with a curious face after seeing what she caused.

Lisa: So? How did it go? What just happened back there? Any progress?
Y/N: *Soulless* I don't want to see that guy ever again.
Lisa: ... Woah. What have you done to him that he hates you that much?
Y/N: Excuse me? You're picking sides with HIM?
Lisa: *Playing innocent* No. Nothing. Forget what I just said.

Then she left and went towards the direction where Taehyung went not long ago. 
I was looking at her back slowly getting away from my sight with my mind dazed off to somewhere until someone patted me on my shoulder which made me flinch.

Jimin: Hey~! What's that moody face for~?
Y/N: A-ah. Nothing much, really!

I smiled at him briefly.

Jimin: They're waiting for us in the kitchen. Let's go, shall we?

His smile was so relaxing, so I smiled back and nodded, following his lead.

They, Bangtan, have been hanging around my house for quite a while. I almost have the feeling as if they moved here. I see them so often that I don't remember the last time this house has been empty, which is not really bad, I guess?
I met them... 2 weeks ago? I think.
Ah~ time sure flies fast.
They finished their practice earlier today, so we decided that they hang out with us for a little while.
We finally came to the kitchen. There was Jin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Mark... And that being...

Jimin: Hey~ 'sup man?
Mark: Nothing much. How you've been?
Jimin: Same as always, you know it.

He came towards Mark and hugged him (like men usually do). They met Mark since he came to my house pretty often, so now they are like best buddies.

Jin: Y/N, can you please tell me where you keep the bowls?
Y/N: *Confused* Um... Why?
Lisa: He volunteered to bake something for us!
Y/N: Oh really? You don't have to force yourself to do that though.
Jin: No, no, it's absolutely fine by me! If you don't mind, of course.
Jungkook: Pfft, why would she mind if she can't even coo- Aaaagh!

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