Miss Right.

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Jimin-ah came over to my place again around a week (more or less) after Yoongi and I had that talk in the "haunted street" or whatever. It was my first time seeing her this troubled and concerned.

Jimin-ah: Y/N-ah I'm scared.
Y/N: (Patting her) There, there... Everything will be just fine.
Jimin-ah: Now that he knows about Simon he's probably going to hate me for the rest of his life.
Y/N: He won't. I just know it.

I smiled at her because I already knew what was going to lie ahead, which made me happy.
She gave me an unsure, brief smile in response when we both heard a doorbell ring.

Jimin-ah: (Turning around to me) Did you call someone over?
Y/N: *Confused* No, I didn't?
Jimin-ah: Weird. Who'd need you at this hour?
Y/N: It's definitely not Bangtan since they went on a roadtrip and Mark is in England visiting his relatives, so I don't know.
Jimin-ah: Maybe Lisa? She should be back from her family trip by now.
Y/N: Go and open the door, it actually might be her.

As she said "okay" she left to open the door, leaving me sitting alone in curiosity.

[Jm] The moment I opened the door was the moment I regretted my entire life existence.
I froze in place, not knowing how to react and act to that.

Yoongi: ... Hi.
Jimin-ah: ... Hi, Min.
Yoongi: ... Wanna go for a walk?
Jimin-ah: Yeah, sure. Can you please just wait a few minutes?

He nodded before I closed the door.

Jimin-ah: It's Yoongi.

She rashly stood up, surprised.

Y/N: What did he say???
Jimin-ah: He asked me to go for a walk which means he wants to talk???
Y/N: Oh my God finally! I'm so happy for you, go!
Jimin-ah: What if he'll break up with me?
Y/N: Trust me, he won't. That's not the Yoongi I know.
Jimin-ah: How can you be so sure?
Y/N: Hm... Let's say I saw something that will most likely determine your relationship?

She told me what it was but I still didn't want to get my hopes up.
Then, she practically pushed me out of the house, making me almost trip on him (thankfully he saved me from such embarrassment). Off to a great start, yeah...

Jimin-ah: 'Good luck, Jimin. That's what you need the most right now...'

[Y/N] I waved her goodbye before she slammed the door.

Y/N: *Sigh* You can come out now.
Taehyung: She left???
Y/N: Yep.

As he said that he appeared from the couches, looking like the cute child he is.

Taehyung: *Excited* Does that mean we'll get to meet Simon soon?
Y/N: *Shrug* I don't know, Tae.

The thing is...

~A While Ago~

I literally just woke up and the first thing I saw when going down the stairs just HAD to be him. Just- why?
He immediately looked up at me, still sitting at the table and doing something on his laptop.

Taehyung: Oh, you're awake?
Y/N: (Still sleepy) What are you doing here?
Taehyung: Just came by, nothing much.
Y/N: Weren't you all on a trip?
Taehyung: I said I have family issues so I'm staying here. Jimin twisted his ankle so Yoongi said he'll stay over and take care of him.
Y/N: Ah-ha...
Taehyung: By the way, do you have hot chocolate?
Y/N: Bish I don't even know where am I and you expect me to know if we have hot chocolate? Let me wake up, first.
Taehyung: *Chuckle* Sorry, sorry.

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