Best Friends.

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The next day he came again, just as happy as the day before.

Taehyung: Hello.
Y/N: Hello. May I help you?
Taehyung: Yes, I wanted to give you this.

He handed me an envelope. When I opened it, there was money.
I looked back at him, waiting for an explanation.

Taehyung: I feel very uneasy that I didn't pay for all the goods that you gave me yesterday, so I wanted to give you this.
Y/N: You don't really have to. Besides, I said that I paid for it, so it's okay.
Taehyung: ... To be honest...

I looked at him with curiosity, patiently waiting for him to interrupt the silence.

Taehyung: That's not... Exactly the reason why I came here...
Y/N: Oh? Then what is it?
Taehyung: ... Can we talk?
Y/N: Yeah, sure. I mean, we're already talking.
Taehyung: No, I meant like, somewhere where there are fewer people?
Y/N: Well, I'm working right now so I don't know.
Taehyung: It's okay, I'll wait until you finish working if that's okay with you.
Y/N: Yeah, sure.

He smiled at me and then sat at the table, doing something on his phone.
Luckily today we are working until the afternoon because Mark has plans in the evening, and the bakery shop can't work without one of us.
Hours have passed, and another few hours until it was time for us to close our shop.
When we locked the door, we greeted Taehyung and planned where we'll go.

Y/N: With who exactly did you want to talk?
Taehyung: All of you, if you don't mind.
Mark: I don't have a problem, but I won't be sticking around for long.
Taehyung: It won't be long.
Mark: Then I'm good.
Lisa: So, where should we go?
Taehyung: Hm...

He stood there for a while, thinking as he was rubbing his chin with an index finger.

Taehyung: How about a bakery?

After a few minutes of walking and having a short talk, we finally arrived at our destination. Now we were in front of a bakery "I Chu U".
Ah~ it brings back so many memories~!
But there was no time for that. We entered the bakery and sat at the table. Not long after that, we ordered something to drink.

Lisa: So why did you call us?
Y/N: (Sipping lemonade) Mhm.
Taehyung: It kept bothering me. It feels like I know you from somewhere, (pointing at Lisa and Mark) have we met before?
Mark: Yeah. We've been friends for quite a while.
Lisa: A while? We've been friends for more than 4 years!
Y/N: Speak for yourself, Lis.
Lisa: Ah, right.

Taehyung looked at us with a confused face as he was listening to our small arguing.

Lisa: Long story short- Mark, this guy here, has been friends with you for a bit more than 4 years and I've been friends with you since childhood.
Taehyung: Oh, that explains why I feel so comfortable around you.

I felt really happy hearing that.

Y/N: 'That's good. Even though his memories are not fully recovered, his feelings are still here. I'm glad...'

After Taehyung had an interview with Mark and Lisa, Mark had to leave, so only three of us stayed in the bakery.
Suddenly, Taehyung turned around to me and looked right into my eyes. I could see sparkles in his eyes, but I was still confused- why was he looking at me like that?

Taehyung: You...
Y/N: Y-yes?
Taehyung: Why does it look like I've known you for a long time? It feels like there's something about you that is different from Mark and Lisa? I feel different when I'm with you comparing to others, what is it?
Lisa: That's because she's your gir-
Y/N: Best friend.

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