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Minutes lasted like hours, then they lasted like eternity. I hated that. Can't it just go faster?
I didn't see him for more than 3 weeks because he was in coma. But now that he finally woke up, I can't get in?
Why is this world torturing me? Is it too much to ask? I just want to see him!
Then, doctors finally came out. We jumped as fast as we could and looked at the doctors with expressions that perfectly described "Can we come in?", but they told us to wait a little since he was still tired and didn't fully regain counciousness.
I was so irritated, but I was patient enough so I just calmly nodded and bowed to doctors.
I was walking back and forth, nervous, scared, exited. I don't even know how should I feel right now. I am happy that he woke up, but I'm scared that he won't remember me at all, I'm worried that he won't remembered any of us, let alone his own mother! But I was excited at the same time. After more than 3 weeks, finally! I can finally see you! You have no idea how long and painful those weeks were, but I'm glad you are okay now, so all those worries are all worthless now and are all far behind.

Lisa: *Worried* Y/N, please sit down.
Mrs. Kim: She's right, darling. Don't do this to yourself.
Y/N: *Gentle smile* Don't worry, I'm fine.

I was tapping my fingers on my crossed hands, which was my habit whenever I was nervous or impatient... Or both...

Lisa: No, you're not okay. Now, sit down.

Whenever I heard Lisa talking in a serious voice, I would become scared of her, so I obeyed her at those times. Now... I obeyed too...
I finally sat down, tapping my legs on the floor making quiet and gentle noises, until Mrs. Kim put her warm and soft hand on my knee.

Mrs. Kim: It's okay, darling. He will remember you.

She smiled at me, but I couldn't smile back. My muscles became heavy all of a sudden, it was so hard to even move my lips to talk. I just looked down.

Y/N: I'm more scared that he won't remember any of us. You, most importantly.
Mrs. Kim: He won't. My honey bear is a strong boy, I know you know that. After all, you spent so many years together.

I finally looked at her, and she continued.

Mrs. Kim: When someone loves another, they can't forget their soulmate easily. They will always be connected in some way, no matter what happens to them.
Y/N: Soulmates...

That word bothered me for a while, but I decided to smile back at Mrs. Kim, gently nodding my head.

Y/N: Thank you.
Mrs. Kim: No need to thank me, darling. It's me who has to thank you.
Y/N: Huh? W-why?
Mrs. Kim: Because it was you that made my son alive.

I don't usually cry. In fact, it's a really rare thing for me to cry. Because of all things that I went through, I never cried in front of others. But in this situation, I just wanted to cry for hours, for days. Seeing that tears have already formed in my eyes, Mrs. Kim hugged me. She put her right hand on the back of my head, and her left on my back, gently patting it to calm me down.

Mrs. Kim: It's okay to cry.

I squeezed her shirt, trying to control myself. I wanted to cry so badly, but if Taehyung would see me, he would wear that painful expression as always. That cute and wonderful face of his would lose that one and only rectangular smile and become full of worries. At those times he would look so painful, so painful that my heart ached so much, as if it were about to explode into million pieces. That's why I always smiled, I wanted to see him smile as well, I never wanted to see him torn apart ever again.

After some time doctors said that we could visit him, but we should better keep the distance for now. We entered the room as fast as we could. He was lying there, staring at the wall. Machine was beeping, showing his pulse. His face was so pale, so lifeless, but seeing him alive was already such a blessing that I thought to myself that we'll make him eat some food when doctors will let him go from the hospital.
Mrs. Kim couldn't take it anymore, so she went towards him as fast as she could, but, as doctors said, she kept her distance from him. Slowly Lisa and I followed after her.

Mrs. Kim: Honey bear, can you see me? Do you recognize me???

He slowly turned around to see her sad and scared face.

Tae: ... M... Mum?

He talked so quietly, but it was loud enough for us to hear. We were so relieved, of course, including his mother. She was so happy that tears started to fall from her eyes.

Mrs. Kim: Oh, Taehyung...

She grabbed his weak and pale hand in both of hers, kissing it as many times as she could.

Mrs. Kim: Just look at my boy... *Sob* You're so pale...
Tae: *Light smile* It's okay mom... I'll get better once I'll recover...

But then his gaze moved from his mother onto Lisa and me. He looked at Lisa first, thinking hard until he finally spoke.

Tae: You... Look familiar... Do I know you...?

Lisa quickly but at the same time gently nodded to him, smiling in order to prevent herself from crying.
But then, his gaze landed on me. I looked into his eyes, hoping, praying, that he will recognize me. I couldn't read his expression, his look was so strange, I didn't recognize it at all.
It looked blank, with no emotions, absolutely blank.
His mouth finally open.
And the words that came out of them were as cold as winter's wind blowing with a strong speed, and as soulless as an ordinary toy.
Those words were the ones that I feared the most.

Tae: And you... Who are you?

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