Jimin's Guardian.

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[Yoongi's P.O.V.]

It was 6:12 am.

Yoongi: *Sigh* Why am I so early?

It's usually me who's coming later than others (except for Jimin), so it's weird that I'm right here, at the destination we are supposed to meet, earlier than anyone else, even the workers of the cafe.
I was scrolling down my phone when I heard someone slowly approaching me. Too lazy to lift my head up, all I did was lift my gaze- it was Jimin.

Jimin: Hi... D-did you wait long?
Yoongi: No, I just got here.
Jimin: O-oh... (To herself) What a relief...

For some reason, I felt like it would be stupid if I told her I've been standing here for 30 minutes like an idiot.

Yoongi: ... Shall we go?
Jimin: H-huh? B-but w-what about y/n and Taehyung-
Yoongi: We don't need them. I'm sure they'll manage by themselves.

Yeah, I wish they would.

Jimin: O... Kay then? Let's- let's go then?
Jimin: 'Y/N save me~! 😭'

[Jm] What the hell does that mean!? I- I can't just be alone with HIM! HE'S MY FREAKING CRUSH, FOR GOODNESS SAKE! I need y/n for this! I need her as my support or something! Oh my God, how will I survive this!?

[Yg] So... Let the fun begin.

Yoongi: So, Jimin.
Jimin: Yeah?
Yoongi: We're going to the haunted house.
Jimin: (The "wtf" face) The what?
Yoongi: *Confused* ... Haunted house?
Jimin: D-do we have to?
Yoongi: *Smirk* Why, scared?
Jimin: 'Omg he smirked!'
Jimin: N-no, it's not... That... It's just... T-too predictable...

Wow... Well that's a first.
Finally someone thinking smart. Off to a great start.

Yoongi: ... Agree. So what do you suggest?

Hah, let's see how unpredictable you'll be since this is taking an interesting turn already and we're not even getting started.

Jimin: ... W-would... Drinking wine in the store's bed b-be okay?


Yoongi: ...
Jimin: ...?
Jimin: 'Mm... Okay, I'm starting to regret my life decisions already.'
Yoongi: ... Ha.
Jimin: 'Ha? HA!? Wha-what on Earth is that supposed to mean!? Did I do something wrong? Should I say something???'
Jimin: W-what I mean is that- I- I never- I always w-wanted to- to try that, so I... Recommended it.
Yoongi: ... I never tried that out before, either... Sure, why not? Sounds promising.

Two things that I like in one? This girl is better than I thought.

At the store...

Yoongi: Heavenly.
Jimin: Uh-uh.
Jimin: 'Yup. The best decision I've made in my entire life. 100%.'
Yoongi: (Drinking wine) This is the weirdest yet most brilliant thing I've ever done in my life.
Jimin: Absolutely.
Yoongi: Won't we get kicked out though?
Jimin: Meh, who cares. No one's here, anyway.
Yoongi: Yeah, you're right.
Jimin: Besides, aren't you the one who doesn't give a damn about things?
Yoongi: ...
Jimin: *Jokingly* Wow, that's a first, then!
Yoongi: Weird.
Jimin: What's weird?
Yoongi: You didn't stutter at all up until now.

[Jm] Just then it hit me that I wasn't with just anyone- with my friend, family member, y/n, or anyone I knew well. I was with Yoongi, someone I liked and someone I wanted to win over.
My stutter and clumsy self finally woke up from the sweet dream I've been living for the past 2 hours we spent here, I could feel the blood rushing as my hand slipped and before even realizing, I dropped the glass... That he luckily picked up in no time as if it was in slow motion.

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