Special Present.

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Mark: What will you get for his birthday y/n? I was thinking of buying him a sweater or something, but I don't know.
Y/N: Don't worry, I already have a present for him.
Mark: ... I asked you 'what' was the present, not 'if you got him one'.
Y/N: (Sticking out my tongue) It won't be a surprise if I tell you.
Mark: Tch. Lame.

December 30th. Taehyung's birthday.
I didn't know what would be a good gift for him. Honestly, my plan was to just give him a trash can so he could put himself in it and roll down the hill, but after he bought me that pretty scarf, I feel kinda bad for even thinking of something like that.
It was until a few days ago that it came to me.


Taehyung: *Annoyed* Why did they put me with you? I knew we'd lose.
Y/N: You think I'm happy? I would've just sat there and enjoyed my victory snacks if it wasn't for you and that dumb head of yours.
Taehyung: Lol my head can't be any dumber than your head because you're the one who got more wrong questions than me.
Y/N: No I didn't.
Taehyung: Just admit it. It's not attractive when a girl denies the truth. We all know you're dull.
Y/N: Said sheepish head.

While playing games with others, they had to pair me with him, of all people...
And of course, we lost. So now we're in the store, wasting all our money on snacks that everyone else except us will eat.
When we finally finished grocery shopping, I turned in the opposite direction of my house.

Taehyung: ... Your house is that way, clown.
Y/N: Who said I'm going to my house?
Taehyung: Where are you going then?
Y/N: I need to visit someone.

He was a bit annoyed, but he still followed me. I finally arrived at the destination.

Taehyung: Oh! That's the store where you work, right?
Y/N: Yeah.
Taehyung: So this is 'Your Warm Home'... Looks nice.
Y/N: Come in.

We both entered the bakery from the back door.

Y/N: Auntie, I'm here!
Taehyung: Auntie... Wait, isn't that-?
Auntie: Hello, sweetie! (To Taehyung) We meet again, young man.
Taehyung: *Bowing* Good afternoon, Auntie.
Y/N: *Puzzled* You know each other?
Auntie: We met a few times. Now, what is it?
Y/N: Ah, I came here to give you this.

I handed her a tool that she's been looking for. She thanked me and then we left.

Taehyung: You know that lady too?
Y/N: I grew up here. Of course I know her... (A bit quietly) She's like a grandmother to me...
Taehyung: You don't have grandparents?

I just shook my head as a response. I could see from the corner of my eye that he felt a bit sorry and uncomfortable because of that, but then our thoughts were interrupted by children's laughter and running. We both looked at them- they were blowing bubbles.
I looked at Taehyung to tell him how pretty they look, but then I stopped. His eyes were sparkling from amazement, which made me smile. He looked like a little child once again.

Y/N: 'Taehyung, I have a perfect birthday present for you.'

~End of Flashback~

We decided we'll celebrate it somewhere away from the crowd, so we rent a house near the city for a couple of days.

All: Happy birthday TaeTae!
Taehyung: *Happy* Thank you! You didn't have to do all of this.
Yoongi: (Patting his back while gently smiling) Don't spit nonsense, kid.

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