Open Your Eyes.

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I slowly opened my eyes. The unknown place was all around me.
Where am I?
What is this place?
That's what I wanted to ask, but I was too weak to even move my own lips.
It took me quite some time until I could've finally opened my eyes and regain full consciousness.

Unknown 1: Oh! He's finally awake!

A woman was standing above me. She was in white.
Am I dead? Is this where people go when they die? What happened to me that I ended like this?
Then, a man approached.

Unknown 2: Don't worry, sir. You are fine now. Please don't do anything that may worsen your state.
Th: *Muttering* Where... Where am I?
Unknown 1: You are in a hospital, sir. You were hit by a car.

I was... What?
There were a lot of questions I wanted to ask, but I was too weak because all my energy went on mumbling some things that can't be even defined as 'words'.

Unknown 1: Once you'll be in a better state, sir, we shall explain it to you in details, if you'd like.

I lightly nodded. It was so short that I was afraid that no one saw it, but luckily they did.

Th: One... Last... Question...

I was talking so quietly and with so much air, as if I was whispering because I needed air.

Unknown 2: Yes sir?
Th: What... Is my name...?

At first, they looked very surprised at each other, but then they finally answered.

Unknown 2: You are Kim Taehyung, sir.

I saw them slowly leaving.
And then, slowly but surely, everything became black again.

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