First Trip.

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Another peaceful morning. A beautiful silence soon interrupted by birds singing. The sun slowly began to sneak into my room, quietly but joyfully.
My room was soon enough filled with sunlight and the choir of nature.
I was sleeping safe and sound, everything was wonderful, just like in a fairy-tale........

Y/N:... SHOOT!

I got up from the bed with the speed of light, and the first thing I grabbed was my phone. When I looked at it, it was already around 10 am.

Y/N: Aaaah damn it!

Of course, I forgot to turn on the alarm. That's what I forgot to do yesterday... Congratulations, y/n!

Y/N: Stupid, stupid, stupid! How did you forget that!?

I grabbed my hair, furious at myself while quickly putting on the clothes I have prepared for today's trip.

Y/N: What if my clock is lying? Maybe I still have time!

I tried to persuade myself. Yeah, that must be it.
When I finally dressed up, I ran downstairs as fast as I could to the clock in the living room.
Nope... Still 10 am.

Y/N: Where is Jungkook then?

I went up to his room where he was staying, only to find it completely empty and neat.

Y/N: What the hell? He could've waked me up as well!

I didn't know what to do or what to feel. I was mad at both myself and Jungkook, but mostly just myself.

Y/N: *Panicking* Maybe I still have some time.

I still took my briefcase and ran out of the house as fast as my legs could. I knew that no one would be there in front of the fountain so I ran straight towards the train station that wasn't that far.
When I finally arrived, no one from Bangtan was there, and the train that we were supposed to take together went 2 hours ago. Great, just great.
I hopelessly went back home.
As I was approaching the fountain, I was so mad at myself that I was ready to just kill myself right on the spot.
As I was already near my house, I stopped to take out the keys.

Y/N: 'Well isn't that just wonderful! You're so stupid! An alarm? Really!? You forgot to turn on a freaking alarm!? What the-'

But my thoughts were quickly interrupted when I saw someone coming up towards my direction.
For some reason, I could recognize him just by his lazy walk, so I was waiting for him to come closer, completely dumbfounded.

Y/N: What are you doing here? Didn't you go on the trip with others?
Yoongi: I overslept.
Y/N: Aha...

I slowly nodded, forming an O with my mouth, still confused.

Y/N: ... Why at my house though?
Yoongi: I live with my brother and he took the keys, so I won't be able to go back to my house until tomorrow.
Y/N: Oh... But how did you know I would be here?
Yoongi: I didn't.
Y/N: Oh.
Yoongi: I was just hoping that you were.
Y/N: Well... That makes the two of us, then!
Yoongi: *Nodding* Mm.

He kept that cold and emotionless face the whole time, so I felt a bit awkward.

Y/N: Come in, then.
Yoongi: Thanks.

I let him enter first with his giant black briefcase that perfectly matched his outfit.

Y/N: Make yourself at home.
Yoongi: Thank you.

I said that as I took in my briefcase, seeing him put it right beside the sofa as he tosses himself onto it. All I could see were his legs.

Y/N: 'He must be really tired, coming all the way here...'
Y/N: So Yoongi...
Yoongi: Mm.
Y/N: Are you hungry?
Yoongi: I just ate.
Y/N: Okay then. If you need anything, feel free to take it.
Yoongi: Mm.

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