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[Taehyung's P.O.V.]

Y/N: *Smirk* I don't think you'd handle me, so don't worry. It's not like I'm desperate, either.
Y/N: 'Well, guess what, Taehyung-ssi: you actually date me. More than 4 years. Ha! Bet you didn't expect THAT! Can't wait to see your stunned expression when you find out lol.'

[Th] There was a good amount of time before she said that. I could tell there was something off, they all looked at me shocked and mad and weird. Did I say something wrong...?

Mark: ... Alright! Let's continue the game!
Hoseok: Yeah, sure...

Even though Mark tried his best to brighten the mood, it still didn't feel the same. There were tension and awkwardness in the air, so I felt really glad and relieved when the others woke up because after we stopped playing the game, everyone was reading comics and it was even more awkward than before.

Jimin-ah: Did we miss something?
Jimin: (Holding his laughter) Not really...
Jungkook: (About to die) L-let's go...
Yoongi: What's so funny?
Hoseok: (Trying his best not to burst from laughing and starting to cry) Nothing nothing. We were just reading a really funny comic book, that's all.
Jimin: REALLY funny!
Jin: (Tearing up) I still can't believe you can speak after reading 'such a hilarious comic book'...
Mark: Should we go to the arcade store? Or do you want to go to a lake?
Namjoon: *Excited* A lake?
Mark: Yeah. I have fishing rods in the car, so we could go fishing. What do you say?

It took us a few minutes until everyone agreed. I mean it's not like someone was against that idea, to begin with.
We rode to the place Mark mentioned some while ago where there is a lot of big fish, and while exiting the cafe and entering the car, tons of people were staring at the two of them and dying from laughter while Yoongi and Namjoon were confused and completely clueless all the time which was even funnier.
In the end, one of them (Namjoon) saw the reflection in the mirror while Jin was driving.

Namjoon: Who did this!?
All: *Shrug*
Yoongi: *Sleepy* What did they do?
Namjoon: Look in the mirror.

He lazily stood up, looked at his reflection then went back to sleep.

Yoongi: I'll kill you all...

It was quiet but sharp and terrifying enough to make us want to jump out of the car with zero hesitation while Jin, y/n and Jungkook were laughing like crazy.
We finally arrived.

Y/N: (Stretching out) Aah feels so nice~!
Jimin: Should we have a picnic here too?

They both stopped doing what they were doing, looked at each other with wide eyes and shocked expressions.

Y/N: Omg yes! That's a great idea!
Jungkook: *Excited* We can camp here too!
Jimin: Yes yes yes! 
Hoseok: Na-ah, mates, count me out! I ain't sleeping here with bugs, I don't want to dig my own grave among those little nasties.
Jungkook: *Teasing* Agoogoo scaredy cat~! UWU so scared~!
Hoseok: Stop!
Jungkook: (Evil smile) Don't worry, I'll make sure to bring you some company to sleep with, hyung (), hehe.
Hoseok: Ya ()! Don't you dare, I'll kill you!
Mark: (While taking things out of his car) And that's why I'm going to sleep by myself.

They kept on arguing and what else not. I looked back at y/n. She was playing around with Jimin and Jin. She laughed so brightly.
I don't know why, but whenever I see her with other members, I don't like it. No, I hate it.
I just hate it, that's it. I don't want her to be with them like that, she always looks so happy around them. Why isn't she laughing and smiling the same way when we're alone? Does she hate me?

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