Alice in Wonderland.

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Y/N: *Burning* I-I'm not some sort of possession, y-you know?
Taehyung: *Laugh* Of course not, dummy. You're going to do whatever I tell you to, that's what I meant.

Why did I even phrase it like that? It sounded like I just confessed to her!
"From this moment on... You're mine." what the hell??? What was I thinking!? Stupid, Taehyung. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Y/N: Just please don't make me call you Master again. That was embarrassing.
Taehyung: *Smile* Don't worry, I won't.
Y/N: *Relieved* Ah, thank you so-
Taehyung: (Smiling innocently) You'll call me oppa (오빠).
Y/N: The heck? Not gonna happen even if you put a gun against my head.
Taehyung: *Smiling* It's just a word, what's wrong with it?
Y/N: Nope, definitely not! I see now you've completely gone insane!
Taehyung: I'm the one who's giving out orders here, not you. So... Whether liked it or not, you'll call me what I told you to call me, understood?
Y/N: Then I'll just burn my tongue.
Taehyung: Come on. Let's go.

I rubbed her hair as I went ahead of her, knowing that she'll be right behind me or catch up and be by my side. Seeing y/n-ie get all worked up over such small things is seriously one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. I never knew that teasing her would be so satisfying.
Not long after that, we were already at our first destination. I am so proud of myself.

Y/N: (Tilting her head) A... Museum?
Taehyung: Yup.
Y/N: What's the theme?
Taehyung: Alice in Wonderland.
Y/N: *Excited* Oh~ interesting~!
Taehyung: *Chuckle* Come on, let's go.

I grabbed her hand as both of us entered through the gates.
Why was my choice Alice in Wonderland? Simple. Because she's weird.
But that's okay, we both are.
It was really nice watching her wander around with that curious look on her face, I was happy that I made the right choice.

Taehyung: So... Did you like it?

She rapidly nodded in response while sipping the milkshake we got at the end of the exhibition.

Taehyung: *Smile* I'm glad.
Y/N: I'm still wondering, though.
Taehyung: About what?
Y/N: Why "Alice in Wonderland"? Why not something else?

And you have the audacity to ask that, huh? You're indeed fascinating, y/n-ie.
All I could do after hearing that was smirk as I put the Mad Hatter's hat (we bought it as a souvenir) on her head, observing her confused expression with enjoyment.

Taehyung: Because you're my Alice, why else?
Y/N: *Red* W-wha-what is that supposed to mean???
Taehyung: *Shrug* Who knows.
Y/N: You- you can't do me dirty like that!
Taehyung: Maybe it meant something, maybe it didn't? I'm a Mad Hatter, so I'm mysterious.
Y/N: 'W-what on Earth did that mean??? Although I can't lie... That actually made my heart flutter... But still! Why do you do such unexpected things so unexpectedly!? So mean!'

It was satisfying seeing her go crazy over such little things... Though I feel like my heart just exploded after saying that to her, even if it's true.

Y/N: So you really won't tell me, huh?
Taehyung: Nope.
Y/N: *Pout* Bummer.
Taehyung: Although, I can give you a hint... If you want, that is.

I glanced at her. Her gaze was entirely dedicated to me, those big, beautiful eyes of hers were looking at me and at me only. Gosh, she's so cute, how am I supposed to handle this for a whole day?

Y/N: Hm... Let's say that I do. What then?
Taehyung: *Smile* You'll go to a haunted house with me.
Taehyung: 'Real smooth, Tae. Real smooth.'
Y/N: ... Ok.

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