Couple in Crime.

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Today is the day y/n and I are going to have a date. Everyone was running around like crazy.

Yoongi: Paint! I need paint, guys!
Jimin: Coming right up, hyung ()!
Jin: Who's going to be in charge of hair??
Jungkook: I'm working on it!
Namjoon: Voice recordings are ready too, right?
Hoseok: Yep!
Taehyung: Are you sure guys that this is going to work?

I felt a pat on the back as I finished my question.

Jin: *Proud* Don't worry, we got everything under control! Just go and get your Juliet.

Even though I was still insecure about the whole plan of theirs, I still... Kind of liked it.
It was from the best intentions, and just looking at them working so hard and being all pumped up about it made me hope that this would actually work out well.

Jungkook: Wow. When you put it like that, it actually sounds cringy.
Yoongi: Yeah, no wonder everyone calls you old.
Jin: Why are you targeting me all of a sudden!? What did I do??
Namjoon: Relax, everyone. (To me) Do you have a hoodie we could use?
Taehyung: Yeah, of course. Just take anything you'd like.
Namjoon: *Smile* Thanks. Now go.
Jungkook: Yeah, say hi to y/n-ah from us!
Taehyung: *Smile* I will.
Hoseok: Oh?? Don't tell me-
Jin: *Happy* You two finally made up??
Taehyung: *Cheerful* I'll see you at home. Don't die on me today with this plan, got it??
Yoongi: *Smirk* You think we were born yesterday?
Taehyung: Good luck, guys!
Jimin: Good luck, Taehyung-ssi!

I ran out as fast as I could. Ah, this feels good.

Taehyung: 'Brings out a lot of memories. How exciting.'

Before sneaking out, I peaked my head out the door as I checked every single corner of the city that could fit into my sight.

Taehyung: 'Good. She's not here yet.'

I dashed out into my next hideout as I closed the door and left the building behind.

Taehyung: 'This is fun. Hope everything goes well...'

... Ah, I really miss her.

[Y/N] He wasn't here yet, I wonder what's taking him so long.
It's usually me who comes later, but I guess he has his own reasons.

Y/N: 'Maybe his practice is tough today-'
Taehyung: Are you lost, pretty girl?

I looked behind me as I saw the coolest and most handsome man you could ever imagine standing right before me. Man, he was so dazzling, as always.
I smiled at his adorable act, playing along.

Y/N: No, I am not.
Taehyung: *Surprised* You're not?

I nodded, still holding my laughter as I kept on acting.

Y/N: I'm here with my boyfriend, actually.
Taehyung: Oh, really?? How rude of me. May I ask what's he like, if it's not a secret?

It made me happy just seeing him smile from ear to ear, clearly enjoying this as well.

Y/N: He's the best and coolest man on Earth! Do you know BTS?
Taehyung: BTS? Hm... I don't think I've ever heard of them.
Y/N: You should! My boyfriend is a part of this kpop band, and he's unbelievably amazing.
Taehyung: Wow, sounds like you like him a lot!
Y/N: And I do.
Taehyung: But if such an amazing man like him is your boyfriend, then why isn't he here yet? Shouldn't he be taking care of his lovely lady?
Y/N: I think he went to buy us popcorn before the movie starts.
Taehyung: Then...

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