It'll Be Okay

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Just a few more days, and he'll be out. Finally!
After all this time I can finally be in peace, seeing you being well.
I can't wait to squeeze those pink cheeks of yours, seeing you in color and seeing that baby tummy that you once had.
But before that, I wanted to settle one thing for my old friend.
The phone was ringing, and ringing, until she finally picked up.

Unknown: Hello?
Y/N: Hi, Sam, it's me.
Sam: Ah! Y/N, hi! How a- Hold on a second.
Y/N: ?
Sam: ... Okay now you can speak, sorry.
Y/N: It's okay. I just called to chat with you since it's been a while since the last time we talked.
Sam: Yeah... *Sigh*  I think I know why you called me.
Y/N: You do?
Sam: ... You want me to get back, don't you? You know it's no use, y/n...
Y/N: .... Oh! You're talking about your fight with Jungkook! No, I actually called to ask how are you.
Sam: ... Oh... Well this is awkward then... Sorry.
Y/N: Don't be. I do usually call to ask you to forgive him for his childish behaviors.
Sam: *Chuckle* True.
Y/N: So how you've been?
Sam: Not bad. I'm feeling great!...
Y/N: ...
Sam: ... Actually, I don't feel great at all...
Y/N: Tell me.
Sam: ... Just thinking of that scene makes me mad! Why is it always him, why? He's such a jerk sometimes!
Y/N: Yeah tell me about it... But you know that he would never cheat on you.
Sam: I know... I know that he's not that type of a guy but... Y/N I'm scared...
Y/N: Scared?
Sam: Mm.

I assumed that she nodded, since she was kind of agreeing to my question.

Sam: What if he'll leave me... For someone better? What if I'm not good enough, y/n?
Y/N: *Smile* You know that's not true. He talks about you every day.
Sam: Really?
Y/N: Yeah.
Sam: W-well... I'm still mad at him, though...

I just chuckled to that, knowing that she wasn't really that mad anymore.

Sam: By the way, I heard the news about you and... Tae...
Y/N: Oh...
Sam: I'm really sorry. I wish I was there right now.
Y/N: It's okay. You should focus on your career more.
Sam: How is it right now?
Y/N: ... Pretty messed up. I don't know yet.
Sam: Did you see him?
Y/N: After that time? No.
Sam: Tsk. That sucks, man.
Y/N: Heh. You won't believe how much.
Sam: I feel terrible now.
Y/N: Why?
Sam: I'm fighting with my boyfriend over such childish things while you're struggling with the love of your life that probably doesn't even remember you... And even with that you manage to keep cool...

Heh. If she could see me I don't think she would ever say that.

Sam: Be strong, y/n. I'll come as soon as I can, okay?
Y/N: *Smile* Okay.
Sam: I really have to go now. I'm so happy that you called me. I'll make sure to come as soon as possible so we can talk, deal?
Y/N: Deal.
Sam: Bye then~!
Y/N: Bye~.

And with that I ended my call, and exactly at that moment Jungkook came out of the room.

Y/N: Oh? You're still here?
Jungkook: Where do you think I would be?
Y/N: Looking at your clothes, definitely not here.

He just smirked to that and was about to go downstairs.

Y/N: Oh and by the way...

He turned around with the look of curiosity, quietly saying "Mm?"

Y/N: Sammie just called.

He stared blank at me. Shook at the news. Unable to talk, I wanted to continue, but was interrupted.

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