The Arrival of Grey Days.

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Taehyung: M-my... What?
Mina: *Squealing* I'm your girlfriend, silly!

After a mortifying giggle of hers, she grabbed his arm.
How on Earth did she get out? Wasn't her sentence supposed to last for 5 years at least?

Mark: *Quietly* I don't like this at all.
Yoongi: Yeah, tell me about it.
Jungkook: I think we should step in-
Lisa: You don't know what she's going to do this time.

Lisa was right, we don't know how she's going to be now.
One thing is certain, though- she hasn't changed one bit.

Taehyung: I will... Have to think about that...
Mina: (A bit offended) Ugh, what do you even have to think of, oppa (오빠)??
Jin: Tae-
Mina: I'm not finished yet!
Taehyung: Don't talk to my friends like that.

[Th] My girlfriend or not, no one has the right to raise their voice and disrespect my loved ones. No one.

Mina: Hmph. Fine. I will let you go today.

The girl approached me and gave me a hug... But why does it keep feeling so terrifying instead of nice? I have so many doubts about this.

Mina: *Giggle* See you soon, oppa (오빠)~!

And at last, she left.

Namjoon: That was-
Sam: So horrifying.
Jimin: I swear I could hear my legs tremble.

Everybody looked scared. I looked at y/n, I couldn't read her at all.

Taehyung: Y/N-ie.

She finally got back to reality as she looked at me. I didn't like that look at all, it hurt me to pieces. It was obvious she was worried, scared, and shocked at the same time.

Taehyung: Are you okay?
Y/N: *Smile* Yeah, sorry for making you worry.

Lies. Those are just lies. Why are you smiling when it's clear you're not okay at all.

Taehyung: Can someone please tell me? It seems like you know about this more than I do.

[Jm] Everyone looked at one another, most likely with the same question.

Jimin: 'I don't know, should we tell him everything?'

In the end, we agreed to do just that, but once again, no one knew who's going to do that first.

Jimin-ah: Let's find a peaceful place to talk about that, first.

She was right. We all agreed with her as we headed to none other than "I Chu U".
We made sure to exclude the part where y/n and Taehyung were together, since we were all determined to keep our promise to y/n, but we didn't leave one bit of the things she has done to Tae.
He listened to everything carefully, not leaving a single detail get away from his hearing. It was clear he was shocked and deep in thought as well.

Taehyung: I see... That's how it was, huh...?

[Th] So that's why... I knew something was off the moment I saw her. If she was someone I've dated, they sure wouldn't make me feel this way. Compared to y/n, it's so different, it's completely opposite, actually.

Namjoon: That sure isn't the reaction we expected.
Lisa: So what are you gonna do, Tae?
Hoseok: Yeah, how are you going to get rid of her?

[Jk] All of us expected an answer from him, but all I could do was just look at him, desperately trying to figure out what was in his thoughts.

Taehyung: I'm not.
All: What???

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