Damn Straight.

536 13 3

August 22, 2025

I roll over onto my side after what I think was definitely my first real contraction. I'm almost 40 weeks pregnant, so it's literally any day now. I reach for my phone to check the time and notice the pitch-black, summer night that is outside. 1:48, seriously, couldn't wait any longer? I look back at Christian and he is passed out on his back. I hate to wake him up but I don't really have a choice. 

"Christian," I say try my best to shake him awake. 

"What?" he says and turns toward me.

"We need to go."

"Okay." He slowly gets out of bed, but I whimper out of the pain that I'm feeling and that really gets him moving. He throws me one of his hoodies while he quickly gets dressed. He helps me up from the bed and that eases the pain to an extent where I can bear it. "You go get in the car and I will go let my mom know that we're leaving, okay?"

"Okay." He helps me down the stairs and gives me his keys while he wakes up his mom. I make it to the car, just not in it, as I have to lean my head down and try to ride out this contraction. Just breathe, you're okay. Just breathe. The door shuts as I still lean down on his car. Christian slips his hand up the back of the hoodie and starts to rub my back.

He grabs the keys from my hand and tries his best to help me in. I've gotten so much bigger than when I was pregnant with Kayden. Granted, I also went two more weeks with this one. 

"You ready?"

"I don't know if I have an answer to that yet."

"You're doing great."

I just nod and drop my head as yet another one hits. I must be really fucking close if they are this frequent. "Here," Christian says putting his hand in my lap.

I squeeze his hand tightly as he makes the drive to the hospital. Kid just couldn't wait until daylight.  At least Christian is here in the state this time and not somewhere trying to play a baseball game.

We walk in through the emergency room and I'm offered a wheelchair but decline since walking is easing the pain. "Epidural?" one of the nurses surrounding me asks quietly. "Yeah, that'd be great."

"Okay, I'll get that in. Shouldn't be too long."

"Thank you." I finally get hooked up to the IV and everything that will track our baby's heartbeat and my contractions. 

Christian pulls up a chair beside me and holds out his hand again. I'm at a five right now and it's pretty fucking painful. "It is way too early for all of this."

He laughs and kisses the back of my hand, "It was going to happen at some point."

"Okay! We're getting close! You're at a nine right now. Probably in the next couple of hours at the latest. Lots of people will be in and out just prepping the room, so don't be alarmed."

"Okay, thank you," I turn to Christian, "Has your mom said anything?"

"Just that she loves us and that Kayden has so many questions. And your mom said to text her when you're both ready for visitors."

"Is it bad I want to wait until we're home for all that? I obviously love our parents but I just want to get home right away. It was so much last time and took everything out of me."

"You can wait until you're both home and settled in. Don't do anything that's going to make you more tired than you already are. I already let Couns know and chose to take a week off so you aren't doing this alone after three days of me being there. He's okay with it, the team is okay with it."

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