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Magnus couldn't believe his eyes. Alec was the most handsome man he has seen in his life. The perfect muscular body, the dark brown eyes, messy hair and of course the cutest smile. For a split second, he was staring at Alec and couldn't take his eyes off of him. "'s really nice to meet you. I'm Magnus Bane" he introduced himself. "Hey... I'm Alexander Lightwood but you can call me Alec" Alec smile and held out his hand.

The touch of each other's hands gave both of them a quick shiver.
Raph noticed that both Alec and Magnus were staring into each other and he felt that something special was building up. "Okay guys so y'all got to know each other... can you stop staring at each other and please help me get ready" he teased both of them. "Umm yeah... yeah let's do that now" Alec replied with a smile and helped Raph get ready.

"Alec where were you?" Jace asked as soon as they entered the hall. "I was with Raph" he replied. "Hey, short head" he tapped on Clary's head. She was annoyed and replied, "I'm not short Alec, I have a cute height". Jace was Alec's brother who was one year younger than him. And short head, Clary was Jace's girlfriend. Alec, Izzy, Jace, Clary, and Raph have been friends since junior school. Catarina was Izzy's best friend that she met in high school. So all 6 of them grew up together.

Alec and Raph were turning 24 this year and Clary and Jace were 23, Izzy and Catarina were the youngest they were 21.

The wedding was absolutely gorgeous. Catarina looked so beautiful and so was Raphael. They've been dating for 4 years and now they will be together forever as one.

Once the ceremonial duties were over Alec, Izzy, Clary, and Jace were sitting at the same table. "So Izzy how were things in California... any good news?" Clary asked. Izzy knew what she meant by good news and then she replied: "Everything's cool... but I have to go back for the graduation ceremony and as for the good news I will introduce him when I come back..."She smiled and covered her face with her hands. "Oh my God Izz you didn't even tell me... who is he? Is he a good guy? What does he do? How old is he? Does he have any siblings?" Alec was pouring out questions "Calm down big brother" Izzy laughed "I will introduce him once I get back...just be patient for another few weeks" she winked. Alec was annoyed and turned away rolling his eyes. Clary held Izzy's hand and said "I can't wait to meet this lucky guy". Jace was this carefree guy. He knows that his sister knows what was best for her so he remained silent just smiling and then laughing at Alec's reactions.

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