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Next morning Alec woke up and left home before Magnus saw him.

At uni he had lectures full day. He, Josh and Aiden (Josh’s new boyfriend) were walking down the hallway when Alec suddenly noticed a couple being all lovey dovey and making out in a corner. 

Alec stopped because he thought the girl looked familiar. Is that Camille? He thought and tried to go closer but Aiden stopped him.

“Dude what do you think you are doing?” Aiden asked.

“I think I know that girl…but why is she with another guy? Is she cheating on my friend?” Alec looked concerned and was trying to get closer.

Aiden grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“What??? No man… you must be mistaken. Camille? She has been dating James for over 2 years now…” Aiden said.

“You know the guy?” Alec asked.
“Yeah…he’s from the psychology department…but who’s your friend you were talking about?”

“Magnus…” Alec said still looking at the couple.

“Magnus Bane?” Aiden asked.

“Yeah” Alec looked at Aiden confused “You know him?”

“Man who doesn’t? He was so popular back in college…Alec, Camille is his best friend…they’ve been best friends for I don’t know…as long as I remember…they were inseparable in college too…” Aiden said.

Alec was completely shocked. “What do you mean best friends?” Alec asked.

“Best friends Alec…they are not a couple” Aiden said.

Alec froze and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

“Alec you okay?” Aiden asked.

“I…I…uh…I need to go home…” Alec said that and quickly ran to his car.

Aiden and Josh were so confused “Is he okay?” Aiden asked Josh
“I’m not sure…I’ll call him and see…but let’s go…you’ll be late for your lecture?”

Josh said and they walked into the lecture halls.

Alec was driving home as fast as he could…I got it all wrong…Oh my God…Magnus I’m sorry…Oh noo…What should I do? He was thinking while he was driving.

He tried to call Magnus but he didn’t answer the phone. 

As soon as he got home he shouted “Magnus…Magnus where are you?” 

But there was no answer…
He ran into his room but he was not there. He quickly called Raphael.

“Hello Raph…has Magnus contacted you today?” Alec asked
“No Alec…I haven’t talked to him recently” Raph said 
“Okay thanks” Alec said and kept the phone.

“Josh…hello…is Aiden there?” Alec asked
“No he went to the lecture…” he replied.

“Damn it…” Alec said.

“Why Alec is something wrong? You suddenly left and we were really worried…” Josh said.

“Josh…can you do me a favour? Can you quickly check if Magnus Bane is inside the university? He’s from the interior designing department” Alec said.

“Okay I’ll check and call you” Josh said.

“Thank you” Alec replied and kept the phone.

Alec sat down near the kitchen counter and was feeling like the whole world tore apart. Then he heard Magnus’s phone ring.

He quickly followed the sound and found his phone on the bed.

It was a call from Camille. Alec didn’t think twice he answered the call.
“You freaking idiot…why aren’t you inside the lecture hall…Are you still thinking about Alec? Mags you can’t miss lectures like this because of him” Camille said.

Alec’s eyes filled with tears…he didn’t know what to say…

“Camille…” he paused “it’s Alec” he said.

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