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"Simon, were you able to find anything?" Magnus asked while driving back after meeting his father.

"Magnus we checked the CCTV footage and we were able to spot one van, we are working on tracking it right now...can you come to the station now?" Simon asked.

"Yes, I'll be there in 10 minutes" Magnus said.

"Magnus... is Izzy there?" Simon asked.

"Yeah Si, I can hear you" Izzy said.

"Jace called, I didn't tell him anything...don't tell them yet okay?" Simon said.

"Yeah Si I thought the same thing..." Izzy said.

"Okay I'll see you guys at the station" Simon said and kept the phone.

Once they arrived at the station, Simon showed them the CCTV footage.

"Have you seen this van before?" an officer asked.

"Never" Magnus replied.

"We found this footage from the CCTV at your neighbor's house and we were able to recognize one man" the officer said.

"Who is it?" Simon asked.

"This man, with the tattoo, can you see?" the officer asked showing the video "his name is Gerard Blake. He is a wanted murderer."

"A murderer?" Magnus asked shocked "Oh my god my Alexander" he said and felt dizzy.

"Magnus are you okay?" Izzy asked holding him tightly. He didn't answer "May be you should sit down" Izzy said and made him sit down.

"We have started to track him down, we might be able to do it soon don't worry" The officer said to Magnus.

"How soon?" he asked.

"It will take 5 to 8 hours...but we are trying our best Mr. Bane" he said.

"What?" Magnus asked "Can't you do it sooner?"

"We are trying our best" he said.

"Magnus, let's go home need to rest and regain your strength" Simon said.

Magnus tried to resist but finally he agreed to go home.

When he got home, he saw his father's limousine parked outside.

"What is he doing here?" Magnus asked angrily and walked towards the vehicle.

Seeing Magnus coming towards him, Asmodeus got down from the vehicle.

"What are you doing here?" Magnus asked angrily.

"I just wanted to check on you" he said.

"After doing this to us, you are coming to check up on me? How dare you!" Magnus shouted.

"Magnus, I don't know what happened to Alec" Asmodeus said.

"Don't you dare lie to me" Magnus said.

"I would never hurt him Magnus trust me" he said.

"Trust? Trust you? How can I trust you when you threatened to kill him few weeks ago?" Magnus asked.

"That was different, I just wanted to..." Asmodeus was cut off

"Shut up father...just leave okay..." Magnus said but Asmodeus seemed like he wanted to explain "LEAVE" Magnus shouted and went inside the house.

Asmodeus got into his limousine, he regretted what he had told them before without thinking twice and remembered his meetings with Alec and sighed.


"Mr. Bane may I come in?" Alec asked.

"Come in" Asmodeus said.

"Mr. Bane, I brought your favourite coffee" Alec said keeping the cup of coffee on Asmodeus's desk.

"Please enjoy" Alec said and turned to leave.

"Mr. Lightwood, why do you keep on doing this? You've been bringing coffee for the past 2 weeks now?" Asmodeus asked.

"Mr. Bane, I just want you to trust me, please. I want to show you that I'm worthy of your son, please give me a chance to prove myself, I'll bring you coffee for the rest of my life until you want to give me a chance or I'll do any work you ask me to do..." Alec said.

Asmodeus was silent, and Alec left.

Asmodeus called Alec's department after few minutes, "tell Mr. lightwood to come to my office"

Alec arrived, "You called for me Mr. Bane?"

"Mr. Lightwood, can you take a look at this?" he asked showing a plan of a building "tell me what you think about this, and give me your suggestions."

Alec smiled excitingly and sat down to look at the plan.

He discussed about the plan, and gave many suggestions to Asmodeus. After few minutes they were smiling and laughing like they were close friends.

*End of flashback*

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